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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. Why thank you Tony....
  2. I spend enough of my time volunteering at the only full size preserved railway in Downpatrick at The Downpatrick & County Down Railway when I can and have been for since November 2011, and I have busy helping with the Plasser USP 3000C ballast regulator No.315 and Plasser 07 type tamper No.07, and the signal cabin & on running days I usually stand at the platform doors ticket punching. I was there since 0700 to 1700 yesterday and 0900 to 1811 today, on other days I'm usually there from 0900 (0r 1130 if I miss the bus) to 1700. Ps, I Peffer Desail & railcars to steam. This post is not to offend anyone in anyone, sorry if it does.
  3. Maybe 078, 215, 8208.....
  4. A 201 with those lovely coach's would be a nice sight... Especially if it where 215 or 8208
  5. your very welcome Tony
  6. The real one already has been in her overhaul earlier this year, did you know that it's actually a 110 class & not 111 class?, that surprised me when I read that.... 8111 or 111 ( as I keep getting corrected by my friends that it's 111 & not 8111) has also been painted up with the big white NIR logo. Did you know the 8on 8111, 8113 & 8208 is only for signaling proposes?
  7. Ah right, me too! I hope the mk2 livery and this livery becomes RPSIs standard livery as they look lovely! If the gatwicks ever get repainted I hope it's this livery....
  8. Omg, she is a beulity, who owns her??
  9. Have you ever been to the Downpatrick & Co. Down Railway ? As I'm sure you can get plenty of info there for the current & furture projects, the DCDR are open during 09:00-1600 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays. But be aware no trains are running till hollaween. I think the gold suits....
  10. Nice! I take it it was a standard back then that DVTs had to have gang ways?
  11. Ah, right, I must of forgot to mention it wa just ment to be an audio film, no people, no trains, just some sound and an nir logo I made as a nice background for audio films, sorry
  12. PS: All sounds apart from Translink NI Railways CAF class 4000 & the DCDR O&k 0-4-0 Well Tank Sugar Beat Shunter No.1 are from iMovie, all other sounds are by & belong to me, Tony Tonybonneyba.
  13. I'm a bit confused of what the last two posts ment Hi all, this video is due to released on YouTube (public) tonight at 22:30 tonight, enjoy the first look, Tony :) [video=youtube_share;njRkEFw7UVo]
  14. You sure can! Your canon 7D & 20D sounds nice!
  15. Oh, but it can.... Hints why me & some of my train spotting friends use canon, such as milepost98 & I use the EOS 1100D and Andrew uses the canon 50D I think.... :rolleyes: Milepost98: http://www.flickr.com/mjyrailphotos My self: http://www.flickr.com/tonybonneybatrainphotos Andrew: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98302677@N03/ But me thinks I'm just digging my self a bigger hole
  16. No, it happens to be my friend Shaun Allen actually. http://www.youtube.com/user/shauntrainmanallen
  17. Don't be silly! If you don't ask you don't get
  18. :confused:
  19. Oh... That looks interesting, I would take it if I could, but I can't (
  20. I've just been updated by my friend that they are no longer going to France, but to fortwillam CAF depot, York rd, Belfast....
  21. Love it! =)) Did canon win? I couldn't tell....
  22. You might do, it sits outside York rd depot plus it's now Sanditte season.....
  23. You say its time for an upgrade, how about one of these..... http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product_Finder/Cameras/Digital_SLR/professional/index.aspx You can't beat an good old canon
  24. I've just been told by my friend that CAF has got the contract to overhaul the Die Dirtch sets in November, although he also told me they will be getting there overhaul in France, which sort of battles me as CAF is based in Spain. Just thought you all would like to know... Tony...
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