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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. Indeed, I never noticed that
  2. Not my best, I've done better...... A grand central class 4000 at Central
  3. The NR class 450 where built with a mk1 under frame
  4. Could do, aye....... What about a surban c4k?
  5. I never really liked the O/B colour scheme, but they did actually photoshop it as i was told. Also, Photoshop is a really complicated bit of software that takes a while to get used two, trying Photoshop a loco from one livery with many different shades to a whole new livery is hard to do, i've done before & it ain't easy. Just saying, no offence intended.
  6. I may not have designed it, but i love it
  7. Pretty damn good one too!
  8. Interesting fact: The enterprise is one of the slowest intercity services in the world, well, so I was told
  9. , I done this for my YouTube channel, based on both logos, but I must say, I do love the new logo, it'll go with the new livery well.
  10. Not Airal actually, can't remember what it is, but very close to it, you can tell it's not Airal as it doesn't have that sloop on the top of the small t as seen here.........t
  11. Im guessing in the black area?
  12. This here? Note: this is just a photoshoped version of the current logo by me, i only know what the logo looks like from photos ive seen on the coaches
  13. Boys, she likes nice! I would dare say that the same livery would be applied to the DeDietrich DVT's, i wonder if she be let loose before 9002 is ready?
  14. That was the other reason too - I just wasn't sure if it were true or not......
  15. The reason for this was advertising for posters, websites etc - they only needed one loco in the new livery, plus it might of been to costly for IÉ & NIR to repaint the rest for only 6 years until the mager overhaul.
  16. No, sorry, it means I'm not sure what to say
  17. I'm not sure how to reply.......
  18. "And why not?" PM sent
  19. They don't want public seeing the new livery yet, hence why the new livery isn't finished on (8)209.
  20. I love the new logo on the coach (but really those photos shouldn't of been posted)
  21. Ah, yes, strange things indeed, in this chance, a CAF class 4000 in Suburban livery passing Holywood last week
  22. It's reopened: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30868990
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