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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. Thank you I sure will.
  2. Hi All. Tony here from Tonys Transport. I will no longer be doing Meganthreu as the portable layout but as a main layout in a few years time. Now, you may be asking, "What is that buck-idiot doing?" Well, I have decided that due to space & my love for Translink NI Railways, I will be building Adelaide railcar depot along with the main line that passes it for the portable layout. The depot can be seen by the public on the layout, while both ends of the main line (With regular TT & Translink NI Railways \ Enterprise services) will head in into a "fiddle yard"/ shunting yard. I will upload photos of rolling stock & layout progress & hope you all enjoy it Next part: The 201 No. 206 I was going do in stobart rail livery is no longer working as I did buy it off eBay of a winning bid of £30.00. But it did work fine when I first got it though, it just needed a over kill running in sassion. As due to it not working, I have decided to put it in Royal Train (RT) Livery (the same livery carried by GM EMD / Alstom class 67 No 67006). She will be sitting in the Gunnis" siding beside ex-Iarnód Éireann mk3s that have been done up in RT livery (basically hornby RT mk3s & new Iarnód Éireann logos on doors). Thank you for your time. Tony.
  3. Probably not, probably will. You'll just have to wait'n'see.
  4. He forgot about DCDR Oh well. But the video is good.
  5. Due to me (Tony) having to love stobart, I believe that Malcom should stay away from me But I do like the 071 I must say. That could be a challenge for Anthony. I have a spare modified Lima class 201 No. 206 that I bought from EBay for £30.00. I was hopping to respray her into a fictional livery. Any ideas? Maybe stobart or 'The Royal Train'? Tony.
  6. Considering the pictures all show the same make & model of bus, I think it's how they where built. I hope translinks ones (as metro has loads!) don't go up in flames.
  7. That would get confusing! So would an TNIR c4k/class 4000 be 95 70 1040-4000~~T-NIR?
  8. If they did, would it be "I-RAIL"?
  9. A - G classes. A being most powerful loco, G being least powerfull (G being more likely a shunter loco). Sorry if this doesn't make spence, I'm not good of explaining via text.
  10. Some people nickname the TNIR logo (just the T & circle) "The coffee bean". I actually quite like the new logo, it's a new style for Iarnód Éireann.
  11. I wonder if these are the sets that TNIR are thinking of "taking off there hands as they have too many not getting use"?
  12. Also Thomas doesn't have a licence to scarp down south. But what doesn't make sence to me is, why cut up in Belfast if Thomas is closer to ballymena? As ballymena has a PW yard which can hold the amount of mk3s coming as well as what is already there.
  13. I believe that during the DD overhaul, only one 22000 will be replacing the enterprise. It will work something a bit like this; Eg, 9001 goes, 22001 comes 9001 comes back, 9002 goes 9002 comes back, 9003 goes 9003 comes back, 9004 goes 9004 comes back, 22001 goes home. It might not be in the that order nor It might not be 22001 but it will diffently work like this as both TNIR & IÉ officials have told me. Tony.
  14. The DD's will be getting a brand new 'level' to them when they get over-hauled this summer; Leaver seats New livery New style to coaches and lots more............. Can't wait! Info based on what ive been told by TNIR officials.
  15. The automotive car transporters (white ones) don't have names at all.... Saw three in England and two between Dublin & Dundalk... I saw her in Lisburn last year.... Alisa Mai
  16. Stupid? Stupid? That is an Eddie stobart tradition there mate! I would gladly souptort the "stupid name thing" and I am a fan of stobart just to let you know! Every truck and car and van is named after a girl, and every loco after a boy! Boys some people need learn "if you can't accept it, leave it". And tough luck too, as stobart rail has plans to come over to Ireland (btw the blue on stobart rail is darker)
  17. Absolute Wonderfull! Would you do a N gauge class 170 in c4k livery?? (Once I buy it... ) I'm still shocked that no one else has done it apart from you! You did sush a great job.... Tony.
  18. Hey hey! I saw this in Bangor today! One of my top favourites of what was there, keep up the good work!
  19. Lovely job, well done!
  20. Awesome, where can I get 2 power cars? Tony.
  21. tonybonneyba


    I would love this livery, If only stobart would hurry up and come...... Tony.
  22. Oh dear, where they scrapped? I think DCDR would of liked a steam crane in good condition. Oh well. Tony
  23. Hi Eric, welcome to the forms! The steam crane named after your grandfather, does that happen to be the LMS NCC one at dcdr or the IÉ one? Tony
  24. Hi all, The track plan I did was using Anyrail 5 free trail, I most try to scale it out like you all said. And I just want to say thank you so much for the help that you given so there. I most move some points, as like you all said, there a bi tight. I just found out last night why I don't make many timetables (fictnal ones) If you look at the two TNIR services to Portadown, the second one leaves near enough 1/2 after the frist one, then it gets mixed up, oh well. I also designed the control panel last night using MS Paint. Tony Ps, I will make changes to the track plan, and my Lima 201 enterprise will become stobart 201. Tony.
  25. I do agree with you Tom, it's just far too dark and boring, plain simple borning. It's good for us train spotters (I'm one!) because there are different liverys about, up here in the north, there are two (3 during autom!) which are redbull & enterprise, I'm already bored of TS because of this. I perved it when I was younger in early 2005 late 2004 when you had IÉ trains, green strip, redbull, fright and enterprise. It brought joy to us train spotters. Now everything is in the same colours. I always get the joy back when I go down south into Dublin, because there is the mix of all these different liverys. But thinking from a passenger view, it could (& will) get confusing, as too many liverys may cause passengers there are more than one company operating, where if you keep it to 3-4 liverys, train spotters still get the joy and passengers don't get confused, so in a way, I É have 3-4 too many liverys, up here in the north, we have 2-3 too little liverys. So enjoy it well it lasts.
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