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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Fabulous work It must have been hard to get all of that detail
  2. I wonder why?-
  3. Great! Thanks
  4. I've been recently been trying to DCCify an Athearn SD9 but I'm not completely sure on where each wire from the bachmann 8 pin decoder go as the instructions are a bit confusing for me as I'm not electronicly smart
  5. The same happend to me every time I tried to access the site on my iPhone I got around it by clicking on one of the subheadings and that solved my problem
  6. There's a similar message on the previous page of this thread
  7. BabyGM

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Fabulous work on the Sulzer Des All of the hard work has paid off=D
  8. Your making great progress just a few days ago it was just track and the beginings of the scenery and now look at it=D
  9. Get well soon rich and I hope you make a speedy recovery
  10. looking good! Looking forward for more updates:)
  11. Yep look under your name on your posts
  12. I see you've also obtained the status of Guru
  13. Thanks it's11x7
  14. Thanks Lads
  15. BabyGM

    No 077

    Ok, thanks That was probably an old video
  16. BabyGM

    No 077

    Is no 077 back in service? As I thought it and another 2 071's were being kept in Inchicore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDmB2ynJZoI&feature=g-all-u
  17. And the Hornby Dean goods
  18. Taking your advice lads I have gotten rid of the crossing and have probably improved easy running Where the old crossing was To the top right is a loco siding for station pilot
  19. It definitely was a fabulous game Fair play to Galway to hold those f!%*"&^s away from the Liam McCarthy
  20. =)) =)) Lovely shots there About a month and a half to go:banana:
  21. As long as Henry Shefflin doesn't pass Ring and Doyle's record I'm happy as Ring and Doyle worked hard for it as there were more teams in contention whereas now Kilkenny have Been in dominance for about 10 years making it much easier for him to pass out the record of two of the greatest hurlers of all time
  22. Hopefully Galway will give them a right hammering :D :D
  23. Boskonay ,I look forward to seeing the progress of the rest of the layout
  24. I like the new layout plan! I look forward to future updates
  25. Here's one
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