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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Also the latest arrival courtesy of GarfieldsGhost
  2. Thanks for the advice guys On my old layout one of my 141's had a nice 228 scale feet of a drop onto the floor when it derailed I won't be taking the chance this time
  3. Oh:o, I thought you ment by a control panel so no I wont be operating points via DCC
  4. Yep
  5. http://s1096.photobucket.com/albums/g329/brianwalshmk3/?action=view&current=86F723FD-AF1B-454D-B09A-409EB7A9126B-1934-000002D25F50F10C.mp4
  6. Great I will look into prices
  7. The exhibition was very good today ,well worth a visit tomorrow For me the best layout was the one in Boskonays picture, just the rolling stock and the scenery did it for me ,even though O gauge isn't my cup of tea The 071's looked excellent and hearing them go by with a tara mines train every evening makes me think even more it would be a crime no to fit them with a sound decoder
  8. Today I managed to get a train running on the layout after taking Dave and Boskonays advice Hopefully I'll do the rest tomorrow and get a video out of it And once thats done I can start on point motors !(sarcastic YAY!!) I also got some ballast at the show today for the layout once the wiring is done and a decoder to wire to one of my Athearn SD9's as practice
  9. Thanks
  10. Awesome! I'll give another crack at it after Dun Laoghaire tomorrow
  11. Excellent
  12. Hi Dave It's not that that I'm having a problem with, though it's probably better than my method of soldering the wire to the outside of the rail
  13. It's just that the smaller wire won't solder to the larger bus wire even though: Both area's have been stripped of insulation, I'm using flux , and there is solder on the soldering iron
  14. Also here is the Hornby Dean Goods steam engine I will covert to No.186
  15. Over the past few days I've laid all of the track and did a bit of the wiring I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it though I expected to have the urge to chainsaw the layout to bits by now Anyway here's some pictures A slightly less disasterous railway incident For some reason i'm having trouble soldering the wires coming the track to the bus wire ???????????
  16. UPDATE!!!! All New Class 071 Locomotive We have great pleasure in announcing that the Class 071 Locomotives will go into production in the coming weeks and are due into stockists at the end of October. These models will be produced by Murphy Models directly. We have added photos of all pre-production models. These models will be available to view at the MRSI Show in Dun Laoghaire on the 18 & 19 August Click Here for more information and photos of the pre-production models http://www.murphymodels.com/LOCO071.html
  17. great paint job and on the coach
  18. Lads does anyone know if there will be a launch to the 071's like with the 201's last year? Hopefully this won't start another argument
  19. Fantastic work Richie
  20. I couldn't imagined what it must have been like with a layout that size I was about 2 hours at it and I only have a small layout
  21. A serious railway incident with over-sized paint brushes, aero wrappers and broken iPhone cases=))
  22. Today I installed the DCC bus wires for my new layout It was very challenging to tack in the clips that hold the wire as I couldn't get into a comfortable position
  23. A classic train It's a pity they are no more:((
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