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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Welcome to the site Magpie The Park Royal looks great ,what livery will it be in?
  2. A 20' flat would be great:-bd
  3. Brilliant, well done to Glenderg=D
  4. This is becoming cruel ,another few months to go:mad: 071 looks great can't wait to see more pictures
  5. I started laying track for my new layout today and it's been a slow nightmarish process, exactly how I imagined it One main problem is lack of space ,as the layout in built in ,my room there are all sorts of problems e.g. a chunk o the layout is under my bed and about half the mainline is inaccesable . Anyway ,here's some pictures I also added close couplings to my Auto-Ballasters
  6. Excellent, it and an 071 would be lovely Thanks for the info
  7. Can anyone tell me which type of oil wagon is this as I'm a bit confused about either which one is which Have seen plenty of pics of them in this archive and it's given me plenty of idea's:)
  8. I'll leave it then Thanks
  9. Thanks:tumbsup:
  10. i saw a class 2800 and presumably a 2600 (one green one new livery and without gangways) at cherryville junction today at about 12.00 Was it a stock transfer or a service?
  11. Are the airfix 1st classes mk 2's and do they have the irish Mk 2d type window http://www.freewebs.com/irishrail/boMk2%20coach.jpg
  12. Alot of really great tips here How does the cat litter react to being glued down, weathered ect. ? Does it disintegrate or anything ?
  13. Agreed the 071's were probably the best train that will ever be on Irish rails you'll never beat the sound that I hear a few times a day of an 071 coming through with a rake of Tara's
  14. No 220 in the background could use a bit of weathering too
  15. I've noticed that this emotion isn't working for me::ROFL:It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't Any one else having this problem
  16. =))
  17. ( That's a pity They were always my favourite train with a 201 at the front
  18. Wouldn't we all:)
  19. Oh then no I was at the Under 14 division 2 in Malahide We were beaten in two of the matches and then we won against Castelnock by about 6 points, not as good as 5-22 to 0-2 for us the last time:(
  20. Hurling or Camogie if so what division/location ect.
  21. will there be any samples of the other liveries ?
  22. Excellent, some weathering will be in order then:D
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