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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. Hi all Just a quick update showing recent vehicle additions and using up left over bits and pieces of plastic parts and card to make up part of depot stores and signals workshops and stores. Also a quick peek at some new signals and gantries I’m constructing using plastic card, left over ratio parts and some scale model scenery walkways, with all working signals. Just have a little more work to do on some parts, then fit and connect to control panel, Thanks for looking in TDR
  2. Work is continuing in the shed, making tunnel entrances and fitting on the layout and on some rolling stock, a few pictures, short videos and a few drone views of the progress of the layout. TDR 1a.mp4 2a.mp4 3a.mp4 4a.mp4 5a.mp4 6a.mp4 7a.mp4
  3. I have three other sets on the bench one ready for painting the other sets will be, one in blue/maroon and two in bumble bee liveries TDR
  4. Some pictures/video showing detail added today, depot starting to come alive now. TDR 670834713_94v1.mp4
  5. Lisneal Road update on the progress on the layout done today TDR
  6. Hi everyone, some pictures and short videos of the changes I’ve been doing. Long story short the Layout Lisneal Road TMD has now been incorporated into my main layout, one pic shows the old storage/cement yard now removed and replaced by the Lisneal Road. I found it a struggle trying to maintain two Layouts so decided to put both together. 224389646_new2.mp4 1082966808_new3.mp4
  7. Hi all, 80 class 3 car units, times three under way, first power car started, lots still to do, filling, sanding, filing, cutting soldering and glueing, with details to fit also, just testing the look so far, 78807637_Project80class.mp4
  8. Hi All, Whilst killing time waiting on bits and pieces to arrive by mail/post, I made a start on the layout population, most have been repainted. There are 56 figures in total, in various poses and positions such as track and yard maintenance crews suitably dresses in Hi Vis P,P,E, workshop technicians and fitters, depot cleaners, Supervisory, office and managerial staff, and visitors. All of course observing Social Distancing. TDR
  9. Hi All, At last some loco movement on the layout, Tricky trying to hold phone whilst recording in one hand and the control throttle in the other and watch what your doing, some pictures of layout also and a running video although a bit random. Locos 112 in for routine service and 102 hunslet in for overhaul and new windows and lights. TDR LN_54.mp4
  10. Thanks Noel
  11. Hi All, Pictures of shed now being fitted out with electric trunking, signs and various equipment etc. TDR
  12. Hi All Just a quick update, Thank you to anyone whom commented. I’m Very Pleased with all the positive and encouraging comments on the layout. For anybody seeking to know how it was done. Today I fitted the interior lights. Picture 1 shows the frame work with the LEDs and resistors, The shed then fits over snugly to allow for any maintenance/repair work to be easily accessed. Some pics of lights working. Last two pics are taken with workshop lighting off. TDR
  13. Hi All, Good progress this week so far on the layout. Loco shed floor painted and roller doors in place, interior almost ready for fitting out with LED lighting, lockers, shelving, bench, drill press, lathe, and associated equipment etc, also power cable trunking/ isolation box detail and signage. TDR
  14. Hi All, Killing time in lock down. Some items made up of scrap bits to represent a lathe, drill press and a work surface storage cupboard for the loco shed interior. Other items changed to represent NIR vans and skips for the shed area. A bit crude but look the part from a distance. TDR
  15. Couple of pictures of current stage of construction of layout. Hard standing all provisionally in place, drains, cable trunking, relay boxes, point motors and pathways in place. Oil tank scratch built from 35mm pvc waste pipe with ends from a Dapol prestwin wagon fitted walls constructed from Wills cement render and block plasticard. Track rust painted. All fixtures and fitting are by no means finished and require further detailing. Shed also having side windows fitted. TDR
  16. Great looking space, good luck with the build, will you be posting progress pics etc TDR
  17. Whilst waiting for parts and materials for the layout in the post, and having watched a video on Cheekytec's channel on you tube. I gathered up bits and pieces from my brass odds and ends box and made a Locomotive workshop stand for the shed, requires a little touch from the grinder, cleaning and painted to finish. TDR
  18. Thank you for your query, The NIR Logo was traced onto 40thou plasticard from a loco transfer, cut out and painted, then glued on. It is the same thickness as the red band around the shed to match. TDR
  19. Hi All, some pictures showing a little more progress and slight change to backscene. Thanks for looking in TDR
  20. Hi All, Just a quick update showing progress to date, Sheds build and exterior paint work almost completed outside, inside starting tomorrow, Backscene frame work added and ply panels painted, to be fitted shortly.
  21. Hi, MM, The original buildings are from Pikestuff HO kits, with various added parts from Slaters plastic, Wills plasticard and plastruct To bring them up to OO Gauge TDR
  22. Couple of pictures of the progress thus far, showing Lisneal Road TMD structures, 3 road engine shed, paint shop and office/stores in their plotted positions. Fuel point also in position although in basic form. All buildings and structures are yet to be painted and detailed interiors aswell as outside etc. TDR
  23. Hi All Just a quick note and some pictures of a new layout I'm working on. Its 8ft x 18ins, and in two pieces, I have been struggling with a track plan for well over a year and the initial plan was a bit ambitious, so after working out a final plan here it is, featuring a 3 road shed , paint shop and fuelling point. Power is by DCC and I’ve soldered all track joints except those fitted with insulation fish plates.Although its at an early stage I hope to have this ready for exhibitions next year.
  24. Thank you, the hunslett is silver fox with bachmann class 20 chassis with sound. TDR Thank you TDR
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