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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. I'll be there on Saturday, looking forward to it
  2. "A" class locos getting a freight work out today TDR 909731480_Asrunningtoday.mp4
  3. Hi Noel, Ill keep a sharp eye out for you, TDR
  4. Looking forward to this, will be there on Saturday TDR
  5. Thank you There is a comfort to be had in modelling when you sit back and admire your work. Pleased that you made it. An enjoyable aspect.
  6. Hi All, first running session this year, video shows NIR 80 class at station whilst testing the background sound units I just fitted, also started to add more layout details, Bill Boards, station adverts and name boards, rail speed signs and road signs as work starts to begin on improving the village area, in the video the cracking noise is from me moving phone camera whilst recording Regards VID_20220106_152536789.mp4
  7. Hi Adrian, Many thanks for your comment and Welcome to the forum, you'll get lots of info, help and guidance on here. Regards TDR
  8. LARNE CABIN, Thanks for the comments. TDR John-r, Your very welcome TDR
  9. Hi JasonB, thank you, The room is just a nice size for me TDR
  10. Hi All, Just thought I’d share a few pictures and short video of my railway Den. Spend most of today tidying under baseboards, so during the coming winter months I can finish installing and electrifying the remainder of points and signals also finish constructing the drawer system under the boards where twelve 2ft x 2ft drawers will hopefully house the remaining stock. Hope you enjoy TDR 866975274_Denvid.mp4
  11. IRM A Class I was fortunate to buy two of these top class locos and their sound chips, unfortunitly one loco had to be returned under warranty to IRM, where a drive shaft had become loose during transit. I have to say the service, response and professionalism I received was first class in the process of correcting the fault. The loco is now back and on Layout running perfect. So again hats off to the team at IRM towers for their customer service, a special mention to Patrick and Stephen, for their professional prompt and efficient service. A big thank you from me. Ray Kane
  12. Hi all quick running secession this afternoon of my two IRM A class locos, 017 pulling cement bubbles and 036 on Mk2 coaches TDR Untitled ProjectAs Running.mp4 318832323_UntitledProjectAsRunning.mp4
  13. Hi All quick video of IRM A class 017 hauling a rake of cement bubbles through the layout really impressive loco with sound TDR A1.mp4 A2.mp4 A3.mp4
  14. Well done to the whole team, congratulatons and well deserved TDR
  15. just seen the video on you tube, looking forward to their release TDR
  16. Thank your for the information and your assistance
  17. Hi, Blaine, boxed as left manufacture, test run only about two minutes and fully intact with docs etc
  18. Hi everyone, Can anybody advise on the current value of 141/181 locomotives. Not sure if i'm allowed to ask so delete if necessary Thanks TDR
  19. its an old Q kit body on an Athearn F7A chassis, great runner at high and very low speeds, i've had this for years, just recently converted it to DCC
  20. Hi All Some more progress on the layout, ballasting completed, track weathered, signals connected and working, spent an hour our two cleaning track today after the weathering stick passed over, so NIR 112 was put on cleaning duties and assigned to the CMX withfull tank of fluid, whilst an old Q kit Hunslet body on an Athearn F7A Chassis has been on trials having been converted to DCC, very pleased with the results. Regards TDR VID_20210803_155127386.mp4
  21. Thanks Noel, the crossover was made by Patrick Nichols in England from peco points, a real superb piece of work, professionally put together into one piece
  22. Hi All Quick update on layout progress thus far, signals and gantry’s fitted, wired and tested to panel ready for connection, some home made signae added, and ballasting started, see attached pictures. TDR
  23. The Derry Road

    The Derry Road

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