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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. Noel and irishthump. many thanks for your help and advice. TDR
  2. Hi All I’ve taken the plunge into DCC and will be converting the control of the layout shortly along with some locos. Any advice/tips on decoder selection (sound/non sound) wiring, running etc., is welcome. My head is buzzing from reading manuals in choosing which system. My choice of system is Gaugemaster prodigy Advance2, based on cost, future upgrading although I only run three locos at any one time and this model may be sufficient to cope with power wise. Will post updates on progress TDR
  3. Kieran, a very enjoyable video, no problem with the lenght, I could watch this layout all day, great selection of rolling stock and lush scenery, keep up the great work. TDR
  4. dave good luck with the new premises, onwards and upwards.:cheers:TDR
  5. Mouth watering Kieran, My favourite era and livery. TDR
  6. really likethe pictures of the bubbles Noel. TDR:tumbsup:
  7. What an impressive variety of stock, and a greatly detailed layout, Great. TDR
  8. Gang your comments and interest is much appreciated. TDR
  9. Tidy looking cement bubbles Noel, a great addition to the stock. TDR
  10. A short video of some rolling stock running on the layout
  11. Hi all, not been at the layout much for about two months, with work again taking priority, all back to normal now, a visit to the layout two weeks ago by Kirley spurred me to have a running day of motive power, this took in most diesel locos including A, C, Hunslett, 121, 141, 181, 071, 111 and 201 classes all in turn running light engine, I’ve also taken some video footage of stock running, this will be posted up when edited. TDR
  12. Hi all, I've been trying to upload some pictures through tiny pics which keeps highlighting upload failed. Anyone any ideas what could be the issue. TDR
  13. Thats just simply amazing, brilliant, TDR
  14. First class job Kieran. looks so real, well done. TDR
  15. Looking good Kieran, keep it going, looking forward to your visit tomorrow TDR
  16. Hi fellow modeller's a new club has been formed in the North West. Foyle & District Model Railway Society . Although in its early stages membership is growing well And the future looks bright. TDR
  17. Ewan, welcome to the forum, you'll get all the help from forum members, just ask. TDR
  18. Superb Noel. Mouth watering screenshot. TDR
  19. Totally agree with Kirley this method provides a good amount of trees and shrubs and is very effective. I used this material on my own layout. It's cheap too TDR
  20. Kieran, I'll be watching your progress with interest. If your other railcars are anything to go on, this will be superb. Many photos please TDR
  21. Beautiful Noel, well done. TDR
  22. Really looking forward to this one's progress TDR
  23. Superb Kieran TDR
  24. Love the black and white photo. Great pics :tumbsup:TDR
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