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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. Couple of pictures of the completed rake of curtian/drop sided cement wagons on the layout
  2. Some pictures of the progress on the wagons thus far, with all detail parts fitted, wagons ran well with no derailments. Wagon numbers to fit and varnish to seal transfers then fit door chains. So far very pleased with the build.
  3. Currently under assembly, 14 MIR curtian/drop sided cement wagons.
  4. Point and Signal console finally assembled and sprayed with under coat, panels placed to test the look, will give it a finishing coat of metallic grey, tomorrow and hopefully fit in place at weekend. The big task of connecting then begins TDR
  5. hope to see you all there on Saturday, also looking forward to the reveal Fran. TDR
  6. Some pictures and several short videos of some of the exhibits at the URM show today. It was great to meet up and chat with many fellow modellers there present TDR 20190824_124727.mp4 20190824_124727.mp4 20190824_125424.mp4 20190824_125554.mp4 20190824_124903.mp4 20190824_125152.mp4 20190824_131154.mp4
  7. Rob, there are triang pumps for sale on ebay, see attached picture. TDR
  8. Thanks Popeye I did not notice it, hover will sort it tomorrow. TDR
  9. Hi all, Some pictures and a short video of the layout with Loco 183 pulling a rake of cement bubbles, This is the last train to run on the layout, as some changes are coming into play, track work is changing slightly to permit better running possibilities and the retaining wall and tunnel mouths are going. To be replaced with a new arched wall being three inches closer to the track to allow a better and deeper backscene. TDR Bubbles.mp4
  10. very tasty looking model Boys
  11. Yes, bachmann class 20 is in both my hunslets
  12. Hunslet primed and head lights temp fitted, temp wired selecting the correct resistor, positioned and tested for light bleed, working perfect happy days
  13. Further progress on the hunslett today, new brass hand and step rails fitted to door sides and cab fronts. I removed the remaining side grills and fitted brass etches, they provide a better finish. Marker lights also bored out, some test running beside my other hunslett, a few pictures and a short video Project_hunslett_2.mp4
  14. A few pictures showing the progress thus far on the hunslet, moulded side and roof grills bored out, removed and new brass one in their place. I have also removed the hand rails hopefully fitting replacement brass ones tomorrow, on both cab fronts and doors. Head lights have been bored out and tapered from inside to outside to accept LED lights. I’m still wondering about fitting marker lights, I’ll sleep on it tonight. TDR
  15. Thanks, it keeps them in a tidy order for access to when required, TDR
  16. Just started this morning the second NIR Hunslet (DL) number 102 FALCON, to be in NIR light blue with Bachmann class 20 DCC sound chassis (same as maroon version posted two weeks ago). The main difference is this body will have, molded hand rails removed along with roof and side grills, and replaced with brass ones. also considering head and marker lights TDR
  17. Noel totally agree with you, however the chip shown by Heirflick is not a sound chip it is a plain dcc chip supplied by hattons, if memory serves me, they are £16.50 each. TDR
  18. Seamus Ive use these in two 071s and a 201 and 4, 141/181s without any issues, on a recent visit to Hattons I was informed that these chips are supplied to them by DCC supplies. Most of my BR stock has these also. Again never had any issues Regards TDR
  19. Loco almost finished, just buffers to paint and a piece of red tape to tuck in, gave it a run this morning and quite pleased with the results. some pictures and a short video from this mornings outing, Hunslett loco 103 (MERLIN) pulling a rake of 5 coaches painted into NIR maroon and blue, The DVT is still under construction. This is my favourite NIR livery, it brings back fond memories from child hood. 103_hunslet__running.mp4
  20. The body is from Silver fox kits, chassis is bachmann class 20 with sound fitted, grills are from A1 Models. TDR
  21. Just started a NIR hunslett, body side and roof grills bored out and new brass ones fitted, body primed and sprayed in NIR maroon, run to test the look, more painting still to do and transfers/windows etc etc to fit. Sound seems ok too hunslett.mp4
  22. Thanks to all whom offered advice on the 071 sound chip. Loco runs fine on DC and on an ordinary DCC chip in both directions and the lights also work. I tried another 071 loco with the sound chip and absolutely nothing. As a result I have contacted the supplier, whom suggested return the sound chip for further investigation. Thanks again TDR
  23. Hi all, I have one 071 in particular, that wont move, the sound works perfectly and the sound goes through the motions yet the loco stands still. Any help would by much appreciated, or a copy of the wiring details. When the chip is replaced with the blanking plate loco stands still also
  24. Having spent the last two days under the base boards, stripping out all the old wiring, and rewiring for full DCC control I thought time to test the new additions to the layout. couple ot pictures and two short videos, enjoy TDR lay_5.mp4 lay6.mp4
  25. Hi Fran Looking forward to seeing and puchasing some ploughs TDR
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