Hmmm - But not up to todays high standard of RTR. Like others I have some of them and while I'm delighted to have two models that resemble CIE metrovics, they are basic and most definitely not fine scale. They are poor runners on cheap chassis from yesteryears toy market, and lack standard RTR features such as running lights, hand rails, decent window glazing, NEM pockets, all wheel pickup, four axle drive, speaker chambers, DCC ready, body detail, etc.
By far the most numerous and populist diesels to grace Irelands railways were the ninety six metrovic A and C class that ran much of the network for a generation. Numerically the MVs dwarfed the GMs for about 20 years.
Once the MM 121 is on the market, the MVs will be the last gaping hole in the Irish model market. I'm delighted I will be able to run three or four MM 121s next year, but whenever it happens if ever, I would be in the market for about six to eight quality RTR MVs.