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Everything posted by declan64

  1. At £40-£45 a coach I built Hornby MK4 InterCity and Enterprise rakes to go with their respective 201s. Far from prototypical of course but they're the only modern day rolling stock I have and they run well with the highly performant if somewhat unloved 201s so they serve a purpose and give a more current look to the layout.
  2. I was bidding on eBay for a 071/111 that eventually sold for £250 + P&P so there are people out there willing to pay. I later picked up one from DC Kits for £170 + £15 P&P. A bit steep compared to a regular Irish Rail 071 but at least not in the crazy territory like this one: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-Irish-NIR-Blue-Class-071-111-Locomotives-MM0111-Great-Northern/143464873871?hash=item21672c3f8f:g:hy4AAOSwG8ld46hT I'll have 4 x Lima CIE Mk1s unboxed for sale early in the new year myself. Maybe this guy will be willing to do an exchange for his 111? They're of roughly equivalent value by these standards.....
  3. Does anyone know about the sound options for the 121s and whether speakers will be pre-installed as on the 201s and 071s?
  4. Have move to a dedicated channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxClt_RzKl8V12Uh3gY7cg Includes a test run of a vintage Lima Supertrain from the early 80s that was purchased for £10 at the time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bFVLO2x6kU&t=17s
  5. I've started working my way through my sound enabled locos to create Youtube videos to both capture them for my own archival purposes and to folks a view to their capabilities. This one of a MM Class 071 contains some interesting station announcements: More to come .....
  6. I just saw the Belmond Grand Hibernian in Galway this week. Impressive looking train - . Great to see that not all of the MK3s ended up on scrap heap after all and are back in service in all their glory. I lamented the awful footage on YouTube of them being ripped apart. We have some added variety on our rails now thankfully. There's definitely a nice re-spray opportunity here for someone to take up!
  7. I seem to have a lost a spring buffer on one of my Murphy Models Class 201 locos somewhere along the way and want to see how I can get a replacement? Any ideas?
  8. Updated with sold items removed, 1 additional item and some reductions in asking price. Should be cheaper than equivalent on eBay. Thanks for looking. Hornby Skaledale R9774 Merchant Bank - New - 20 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-141 Two Lane Traction Depot - New - 55 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-065 Art Deco Platform Centre Building - Used, Boxed as New - 30 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-127 Covered Footbridge - New - 30 euro Hornby Skaledale R9653 Baptist Church Building - New - 20 euro
  9. Update: Hornby Skaledale R9658 Workshop Building - New - Sold Hornby Skaledale R9709 Headingly Insurance Office - New - Sold Hornby Skaledale R9774 Merchant Bank - New - 25 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-141 Two Lane Traction Depot - New - 60 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-102 Drive Through Restaurant - Used, Boxed as New - Sold Bachmann Scenecraft 44-065 Art Deco Platform Centre Building - Used, Boxed as New - 35 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-127 Covered Footbridge - New - 30 euro
  10. I'm based in Galway City. The clearance on the footbridge is 55mm across the main centre section. Hope that helps. The centre span where the height is 55mm is 135mm. The full width between the pillars is 175mm. Total width is 222mm.
  11. Thanks Ray. Let me confirm the dimensions and get back to you.
  12. Offloading either no longer required or never used models from my collection. Hornby Skaledale R9658 Workshop Building - New - 25 euro Hornby Skaledale R9709 Headingly Insurance Office - New - 25 euro Hornby Skaledale R9774 Merchant Bank - New - 25 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-141 Two Lane Traction Depot - New - 60 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-102 Drive Through Restaurant - Used, Boxed as New - 25 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-065 Art Deco Platform Centre Building - Used, Boxed as New - 35 euro Bachmann Scenecraft 44-127 Covered Footbridge - New - 30 euro Should be cheaper than anything you'll find on eBay. Will post if required (postage extra).
  13. Note, these coaches are no longer available. Thanks.
  14. I am selling a used Lima LT600001 3 x CIE MkII Coach Set in the Galway Livery. Coaches are in excellent condition (see photos). Looking for 140 euro + P&P. Enjoy the photos and thanks for looking. Paypal or cash if collecting in person.
  15. Actually it's this cover. Also the controller is different. Loco and coaches appear to be the same except that the coaches have metal wheels in your photo versus plastic on the set I am selling.
  16. The time has come for me to part with my first ever Irish railway model - the original HO gauge version of the CIE "Supertrain". Always an excellent runner to this day (better than most Hornby locos from the same era). I'm converting my last circuit to DCC so it's time to let go of the non DCC part of my collection. I've posted the set on ebay: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/-/331708079421 and also made a short to give me something to remember a set which punched above it's weight in my collection until Mr.Murphy started to do his thing. Some photos below for those not familiar with these sets. They were all we had in terms of Irish railway production models in their day. I also had a particular liking for the Lima couplings. Would prefer them to most of todays.
  17. I'm selling a boxed "As New" Hornby R3286TTS BR Class 40 Empress of Canada "D232" with TTS Sound which was an unwanted gift. It may not be Murphy Models but it's an excellent entry point to the world of model railway digital sound and it costs less than a Murphy Models sound decoder! First 100 euro secures plus 8 euro to cover registered post. Payment via Paypal.
  18. Thanks for the link. What a pity vendors don't put more effort into providing this information. The final message from Hatton's advises looking at the MM0004 so no surprises there! http://www.ehattons.com/46963/Murphy_Models_MM0004_21_pin_Premium_quality_decoder_pre_programmed_for_the_Class_201_loco/StockDetail.aspx
  19. First of all thanks to all who responded. The nub of my problem is indeed the requirement for 2 additional control outputs on the 4-output Hattons DCC controller (to bring it to 6 in total)! I implemented the headlight directional change recommended and it works fine so many thanks for that. Hatton's reponse to my query was to use F8 so I've let them know this was never going to work! Hattons offer the option to chip DCC ready locos when you order them so I hope they use a 6-output controller ..... So what to do next? Well the Hattons controllers are excellent value (half the price of the MM versions) and I'm happy with their motor control so I'm going to stick with them for now with an intent to upgrade one of the 201s to sound in the future. The exercise has been a good learning so thanks again to those who contributed.
  20. I've just chipped two MM 201's with Hatton's DCR-21pin DCC decoder. Everything works fine except for the cab lights. I know the lights work as I previously had a Lokosound decoder in one of the 201s an it could control the cab light. My CV settings are as follows: CV33 = 1 CV34 = 2 CV35 = 4 CV36 = 8 CV49 = 0 CV50 = 16 CV51 = 32 CV52 = 32 F0 - controls the front and rear lights fine F1 - turns the front headlight permanently ON/OFF (now I'd ideally like the headlight to switch automatically to the rear when the loco is reversed) F2 - turns the rear headlight permanently ON/OFF F3 - Does nothing - was hoping this would turn the cab light ON/OFF I have to say that the documentation supporting DCC decoders and DCC-ready locos is pathetic. When you spend 150+ euro on a DCC ready loco and 250+ euro on DCC sound loco the lack of supporting material really isn't good enough. Posting complete CV settings on the web doesn't cost a lot. Rant over. Any help with the above would be welcome. I'm going to email Hatton's support as well and will post any response here to share with people.
  21. I've just posted an unboxed Hornby CIE Hymek Loco on eBay http://www.ebay.ie/itm/331487818185?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 A few boxed versions went for ST£70 or so a few months ago so putting for auction to see how it goes. Condition is very good. Moving to DCC now so while it still has sentimental value it is being replaced by it's newer MM brethren and has become surplus to requirements. It still has a place in Irish railway modelling history pre-Murphy Models ....
  22. The moulds for resin models have a shorter life apparently relative to the moulds used for the cheaper "toy-like" plastic models. This gives the more popular resin models an intrinsically higher value. Still, if something is selling well, I can't see the logic in not creating a new mould for another batch. The original manufacturer doesn't stand to make anything from high priced sales on eBay. Came across the following interesting shed in my search: http://www.ehattons.com/60728/Bachmann_Branchline_44_173_Brick_Servicing_Depot_320_x_82_x_121mm_/StockDetail.aspx It reminded me of a similar shed from Lima many years ago., a few of which have popped up on eBay recently.
  23. Thanks for that. I've never used Kernow before but they have some interesting items so I'll be adding them to my favourites. Hattons actually came up trumps on Friday: http://www.ehattons.com/stockdetail.aspx?SID=93693 STG£65 is pricey enough but is the same as I've seen on eBay as these sheds are hard to find these days. Just sorry I didn't purchase one when they came out first
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