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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. Yes, it seems getting a loco tooled up and made in China is only recommended if it's at very high volume and 3D print isn't there yet.
  2. Very nice. I'd love one of those but they are a bit pricey.
  3. Holy Mother, that is just incredible. Well done.
  4. When the MM141's came out I remember taking a drive from Galway to Graham's on a Saturday to buy one, it was the same time I was getting back into model railways. Very sorry to see a place like that go. Good luck in the future.
  5. Begorrah and bejaysus, part of me wants this 'Irish' set http://www.ebay.com/itm/HO-Scale-Bachmann-Hawthorne-Village-Irish-Express-Six-Piece-Train-Set-/182386026499?hash=item2a770de803:g:TvoAAOSwEzxYTgEX
  6. Lovely set and with 4 coaches. At this time of the year this really reminds me of being a nipper, picking out a train set from Santie. Santie brought me my first Irish lima set. Dave, you are making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Stop it, I prefer being my usual jaded and cynical self.
  7. Cheers Dave. As little s 50 of each. Wow.
  8. Holy Mother
  9. Any idea how many pieces of N were made Dave?? A few years ago I came across a job lot of N stuff on ebay - an American seller, 1 corridor coach (Lima Irish N) was in there. He had listed it as 'European'. I think I paid about 5o quid for the lot.
  10. Ah yes, but still, its rare stuff. Junk to some. Treasure to others. I do have a soft spot for the old jouef stuff. And yes it does also illustrate how lucky we are to have Murphy stuff now.
  11. SHED LOADS of Irish Lima/jouef on done deal https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/hornby-irish-rail-cie-hymeck-engine/13943704 https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/hornby-lima-jouef-irish-rail-cie-engine/14029284 https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/lima-hornby-irish-rail-cie-engine-and-coaches-oo/13937064 https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/hornby-irish-rail-cie-train-set-1970s-hymeck/13955631 https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/lima-hornby-o-gauge-irish-rail-cie-engine/13943687 https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/hornby-lima-cie-irish-rail-train-set-rare/14036086
  12. That's it, even though its analogue control, with the right timing I can switch trains to and from sidings. Terribly exciting.
  13. Thanks guys, I'll try adding the weight alright. Dave mentioned wider curves - my layout is basically a big train set - the widest being hornby R609
  14. Hi, nope. I will try that. I should have tried that. The link between the loco an tender seems to have peculiar movement/play in it.
  15. Lionel do this in G, I know its a toy, but be basis for kit bash into something like an 800class
  16. The tender on my Irish wolly always derails and don't use it much. A have a faux A class (class 33 sprayed silver) pulling my coaches. 45 pounds sounds cheap - even ten years ago.
  17. Hi Dave, always loved this thread. Thanks. I picked up one of those sets a few years ago for 150beans. I thought that was pretty good.
  18. Cheers for that. I am enjoying the freedom of no scenic stuff. I can add/remove sidings and so on. But still it would be better landscaped, the prospect of doing it terrifies me. I used foam underlay before - i don't think it looks great unless its the ballasted stuff - which is expensive.
  19. Cheers, it's just painted plywood. I am rubbish at landscaping so that's on the long finger.
  20. Thanks Noel. Mostly Irish and American stuff.
  21. Hi Guys, Long absence from forum. Had a lot of stuff going on and haven't been at the trains in ages. Thanks Dave. I actually had a go at this myself recently, with a small bit of help. Its basically a great big train set now. 4 lanes + 5 long working sidings. Can have 9 trains on the layout at anytime which compared to my old roundie roundie is great. Its still a bit of a mess, but getting there.
  22. No access at back, the fiddle yard will be directly under the window of the room. That part of the layout will be about 3ft across, so a little bit of a stretch alright. I don't think I'll be adding much scenic stuff as my skill set is just not up to it. I will however be printing huge panoramic backdrops the full length of the layout.
  23. I eagerly await for Dave
  24. Hi All, For the last 2 years I've just had a basic 7X4 roundie-roundie layout in the corner of the spare room. This is about to change. This is the space I have and the proposed "plan". I have never embarked on something as large scale as this. I need a chippie to knock up the base boards - anyone know anybody? I am based in Co. Galway. Any help or suggestions welcome. I want to get it underway in the next month or so.
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