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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. The plan was to paint it in early green/grey roof/white flashes. I am open to suggestions, early silver might look smart?
  2. Exactly! I was just about to say that.
  3. The exhaust is down the pub
  4. This is what happens when you find a dapol deltic kit and a chassis in your box of random stuff and you are trying to avoid the pub. This will be my freelance irish "Deltic". Good Lord.
  5. What sorcery is this? Where did they come from?
  6. This really is annoying. The new hornby controllers just seem to be junk. I have put mine in the bin. At a time when hornby should be trying to lure new customers they can't even supply train sets with a reliable controller. Truly awful.
  7. Too late. I'm in the back of the paddy wagon.
  8. Thanks for that. I'll have a look.
  9. Hi Guys, Is there anyone that does a curved point at radius 1. What I mean is something with the same radius as a hornby R605. Hornby do curved points put only from 2nd to 3rd radius. Is there such a thing as a curved point turning inwards at radius one. I have 5 long sidings on my layout and such a thing would allow me to have another long one. My layout is just using sectional curves from 1st to 4rth radius. Thanks.
  10. No problem. Hopefully that will sort it. I gave up on hornby controllers. The bachmann ones seem very smooth and reliable. My layout is DC and probably will stay that way for a long time. I had a couple of these cheap mehano controller from train sets and they work surprisingly well - better than the hornby ones which is shocking really.
  11. Absolutely love this, wish there was more Irish train sets for kids. Fair play.
  12. Interesting video here on how to improve that controller.
  13. I found the new hornby controllers made a very noisy electrical sound as well as unreliable. You can hear it in this video.[video=youtube;5TZI-nbkUK0]
  14. Recently I've bought a few new hornby sets and thought I could use the controllers to replace cheap mehano ones that I am using. I had similar problems with 3 new hornby ones, they are complete and utter rubbish. They wound up in the bin. Recently Intercity82 (he has a popular youtube channel) Did a video on the hornby Master of the Glens train set. He couldn't actually use the controller that came with the set, it kept shorting out.
  15. yes indeed, it would only be a representation. If the above lionel train was given the meave treatment it might be nice in the garden.
  16. I thought about that as well. If I was doing that I might use this, its g scale also.
  17. This is a cheap product, about 100 quid. It's just for fun really. It's the type of battery you would find in a large RC car (9V), 4-6hrs to charge. I have yet to find out how long it really lasts. There is quite a few videos on youtube with this newqida train and the feedback is good based on the price its selling for. The range on the RC control is ok for a small garden, but I don't how it would fair in a larger setting. At some stage I would like something Irish in the garden.
  18. Just picked this set up for 140euros in TX MAXX. Bargain!
  19. Cheers, they did a windmill aswell, sorry I didn't get it now. I'm sure they'll have similar stuff this summer again. My first time doing anything with G scale, at this size I may be tempted to build a few houses myself.
  20. Making a start on a very basic thing in the garden. Just a bit of cheap fun. I can sit inside the patio door quite comfortably with a glass of wine and the R/C control.
  21. This looks like fun http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b086t7c9
  22. Until there is a cheap way to get around tooling and moulding I suppose qty's like that will probably be the minimum.
  23. Yeah, A few smaller guys seem to be popping up here and there which is very, very encouraging. Does anybody know much about these guys. They seem to be a relation of the oxford diecast crowd. Their railway models look good though. http://www.oxfordrail.com/
  24. I suppose. The rapido guys who did the amazing APT-E recently. Any idea what the run was on that? I think it was modest enough.
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