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GSR 800

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Posts posted by GSR 800

  1. I'd say that they would keep a few for as long as they can. I think they REALLY don't want to deal with the thought of having to bring back the stored 201s which lets say the 071s are retired in 10 years, and none of the stored 201s had re entered service prior to that, the would have been in store for about 15 years and would need a serious rebuilding. Of course they could just buy some small locos, probably just 4 axle versions of the 201s, as Dave has mentioned above.

  2. Heh! House Harkonnen just sounds so much more Badass than House Ballybeg (and I'm no Feyd-Rautha).


    Package ready soon, I've been distracted by trying to set up a virtual machine to enable XP mode on a W7 laptop.

    Look, Des I looked up that Harkonnen halabaloo on Wikipedia, so I haven't a feckin clue what feud Ruth is!

    I don't pay you for distractions......


    Lego city eh? I used to have a few KGs of Lego police. I used to think the police station was so cool

    And would build one 8 stories high!


    Just so you know Mr. Derg, there's been some intense riveting action completed at House Harkonnen.


    Is that near Ballybeg?:P Or are they the Harkonnens of dune?

    And has"the package" been sent?PIMP

  4. Quite possibly the only worthy post, to a thread I can't believe is still "alive". Is anyone doing any modelling, and not the figure type. I've met a few of ye....


    We are not amused, and for the record I am awaiting a kit of a little 0-6-0, as for the rest of em..

    To keep you on your feet, I'm going to make sure you do ALL the buildings for layout no.2, which will come about in a few years...

  5. The heritage stock is in both Whitehead and Inchicore - probably about half and half. There's info is he still in the shed at Mullingar (GSWR 813). The RPSI volunteers there used to use it as a "tarry". It was never restored, though the RPSI externally painted it in CIE green years ago.

    Jahsus, Mullingar? The shed is in pretty dire condition, they would really need to fix it up, and clean up the yard.

    On that note, for an update on the greenway thing, buffers had been put in place just before the newbrook road bridge, and the line is cut off in several other places also

  6. It's a shame, My first set was a Hornby 'industrial' the little tank would whizz around the track like a mad yoke... Hornby has still some good stuff, their 'super detail stuff isn't bad, but they still have tooling from the airfix era, and some of their buildings are hideous. They will probably be bought up, at some stage....

  7. Well you had some As and Cs in green, some in ( filthy ) silver, steamers in dirty grey(except Meadbh and Macha) or black, or grey with black smokeboxes! You can see why blackntan was introduced in 62!

    So yeah. It was the crazy period with 20 different liveries, like today...

  8. Drab as it sounds, it actually suited GSR / CIE steam engines very well too, for the same reason. It looked workmanlike....


    Aye, the grey livery, despite being drab and..let's face it, boring, really did suit the old Irish steamers, especially when it went that sort of dusty looking blacky-grey after being cleaned(ocasionally) with a greasy rag. Durty, but lovable. the new grey on the 071s looks really well, gives them a nice subtle clean look. I disliked the black and silver livery and that didn't suit them, and the ones still in it look like they are on their last legs...

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