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Paddy Mac Namara

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Everything posted by Paddy Mac Namara

  1. We all know the one about making plans and the gods will laugh. Having finally settled on a layout configuration, did the wiring, numerous test runs to iron out electrical glitches…etc etc etc. Turns out I don’t have enough room in station area for platforms, without putting my passengers at serious risk. The mech eng in me was thinking only of operation and not the actual passengers, should have consulted a civil eng or god forbid an architect. Would Dermot Bannon have missed something so obvious, maybe not, but the budget would have gone €50 k over. So its back to the drawing board, not a major setback but i will have to lift track and do not a small amount of re-wiring.
  2. i like long trains Vid Long Train.mp4
  3. Update: NOCH ballast mat.
  4. Test runs in progress. All wiring is temporary for the moment. I can just about manage 4 carriages in some platforms, which is still not close to reality, I got on the Galway train from Sallins this morning and there must have been 9 carriages, that’s railway modelling, not reality but modelling The isolated sections at the end of each platform have been connected through the “choc block” to a prototype breadboard and I’m using push buttons to electrify them as required. Handy, I have rocker button switches but don’t have correct tools for wiring up spade connectors properly. So, this solution works quite well for test runs
  5. Thanks to all for comments, advice and suggestions. It has really helped me develope a much better layout than I had originally planned, so here is the current plan. well not quite finished, but you get the idea Work in progress.
  6. Thanks for comment, it could be an option, i'm playing around with movements of locos and carriages to get a feel for things, nothing set in stone yet
  7. Turning 60 has some advantages.
  8. thanks for advice very helpful, i am going to have a separate power supply to the up line, fed from track nearest the wall. With down line power supply isolated ,as noted earlier, i can perform shunting operations on these tracks as a down loco leaves the station.
  9. I have included a cross-over from up to down as suggested (thanks). The return loop has isolation gaps on both rails, shown in red. Power is fed to down from red curved track. I can isolate the up part of the return shown yellow. Switch the points at the cross-over and bring loco onto downline without any shorts via the green tracks.
  10. Thanks
  11. Thanks, very useful. I'll have to investigate some options.
  12. thanks
  13. when is next model fair? Ta
  14. Any suggestions how to re-attach these railings, superglue? Fiddly little feckers and i am careful taking them out of box,
  15. This gives me 4 platforms at station. However when i did a few test runs with locos and carriages, i realised that at best i'll only get about three carriages to fit. So ive gone with 3 platforms in this new iteration.
  16. I'm not straying far from home with my layouts, hey stick with what you know. I've been using the Dub-Cork route since a child. So that Y junction causing way too many comlplications with shorts and just way too many isolated sections to keep track off. So this is next track plan.
  17. Not push-pull if my understanding is correct. Anytime i push carriages or wagons they always seem to get snarled up and uncouple or derail. Locos will enter platforms at station "head" first. Then uncouple carriages. Another loco will come from storage sidings (Inchicore) and couple to carriages in station and off it goes again. Lone loco will then goto Inchicore. Work in Progress
  18. I do no whattocallit. “Kingsbridge”. I wanted a terminus station like Heuston, with the return loop hidden by a scenic break, probably road overbridge. I run trains to Cork and then they return. What we think will fit in our heads and what actually fits are two different storys. Now I have a fairly big room for my layout, however the first plan doesn’t work, not enough room for platforms with a least 3 carriages. I have revised it as shown. Because the return loop is done with diamond crossing there was no issue with electrical short circuit. However, the introduction of the Y junction creates a continous loop. I like the symmetry of the Y junction and it allows for two decent sized platforms, with 3 lines. Currently, and I’m still just playing around, the single power controller is located at the green track in the middle line. To prevent short circuits, I have used isolated tracks shown in red as per Hornby Track Plans 8th Ed (£4.99) P. 30. Lots of switching on/off isolated sections depending on which arm of Y junction is chosen.
  19. New Layout Description: Celbridge started April 2016 is no more, I’ve lifted the track and started afresh. My shed is 3.4 m x 2.2 m and the layout is to run around the circumference. Depth of layout is 500mm all the way round. I have it set at a height of around 760mm so that I can sit comfortably in the chair and work away at it. Unlike Celbridge this layout is going to be end to end. Experimenting with track plans at the moment. I have added an extension to baseboard for return loop (non scenic) at one end and terminus station at the other end. Here is track plan.
  20. This is an unwanted gift of my carpenter Jim. Was wondering if any interest in it here, or any suggestions where i could sell it. I'm not sure of the scale, this link appears to be similar: https://mthtrains.com/30-4244-1 Paddy
  21. Thanks guys for likes and comments, the T Rex just keeps popping up in my photos!!!!, a bit like the elf on the shelf. What i love about our hobby is we can create a "world" and its our story. Some of you might get a kick out of this video story i made......not quite the right time of year, but what the hay.
  22. sorry might seem confusing what i'm doing just re did the photos and deleted old ones
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