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Everything posted by waffles

  1. The Mystery Train Saturday 23rd June Dublin - 'Mystery Desination' & return Treat yourself to a diesel trip in vintage carriages from the early 1960s, travelling behind a vintage diesel to an unknown destination - have a guess where! Depart Dublin Connolly Station 10:15am, returning at 7pm. Fare: Adults €45, Concession €35. Booking Form Tickets can also be purchased (over the counter) at: EBS Offices at Malahide, Drumcondra and Dun Laoghaire. Irish Rail, Pearse Station. Or PM me as i have one spare at €40 a discount of €5 cant be bad !
  2. Hi I Have one spare ticket for this saturday rpsi mystery rail tour to galway just looking for €40 for ticket a fiver off cant be bad ticket can be collected on day of tour at connolly. if your interested PM me by friday evening thanks.
  3. the ladders were painted to make them noticeable to prevent accidents usually just at the ends a foot or so of white paint to mark them out as to define them forhealth and safety reasons
  4. Bit sad FSD is the spray crew and it reads "curse" its a scrawl tag and not a good one at that, looks as if they got spooked as they did'nt bother to fill it in maybe they got caught. ha ha
  5. i blame shallow ballast
  6. saw baby gm s on sale at railfest york for £81 stg each or two for £152 stg so thats around E 105 each.
  7. they seemed to stop using the site but have just received there latest paper printed edition from this year
  8. http://www.nrm.org.uk/railfest2012 Went to the last one it was rather good. this could be the last one as it is getting harder to organize happens to be yorks 800 anniversary this year as well
  9. into the west cabra cement works and phoenix park tunnel
  10. the carriages were painted on one side the side that faced out on to Trinities grounds
  11. one of the pink panther films from the originals ones made was filmed here on a train with a dark blue light filter on the camera lens to make it look as if it was night time
  12. Ah just found out that they are still publishing it
  13. warm can can do stops the paint mixing as well as it should. cold weather will do the same except clog up your paint and make it blotchy
  14. ammonia wagon were 51'9" long and were built in France and were on lease originally. there were two types of the tank wagon 32001 - 32020 and the later 32021 - 32023 and the odd one out 32014 differnt design. Barrier wagons were 42'9" nunbered 30279 - 30284
  15. Cheers thanks for your help so far, any brand or type of paint is usable for me
  16. who will be the first to market the correct bogie's for the autoballaster. the one on it are used in the uk we,use a different design
  17. are you selling it pm if you are waffles
  18. if you nee to use the drawing click on it and save to pictures
  19. very effective
  20. same chap has a mir 141 as well for sale
  21. waffles

    Titanic 2 to be built.

    guess we will have to see how well its goes down fair play to him while he is at it i wouldnt mind if he throws a few euro my way
  22. its a good book its intersting to see how much has changed from when it was published Michael h c baker did a good job on this one even the new photos in the book are now of historical value
  23. use the spell checker on Internet explorer it should work i use it all the time, if it not on your tool bar go into your tool bar marked more and click on spelling checker it will then apper on your tool bar just click to use
  24. Hi i need to match the green used on the bachmann green coaches with the closest match to a commercial made paint by tamya, humbrol or any easy to get ready made paint acrilic or enamel or better still the correct shade that appered on cie passenger coaches from the start of cie up untill the black and orange of the early 60s
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