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Everything posted by Sean

  1. is the current microphone the built in one or an external one? In the current recording if the wind noise isnt too bad you could try adding a high pass filter to the audio track however this may also affect the noise of the locomotive if you need to use it heavily. to be a bit more surgical about it, run the audio track through a spectral analyser and then use an EQ to pull out the frequencies where the loudest wind is occurring, again your milage may vary. of course if the noise is BAD then your only solution will be to go and record again with the mic sheltered. I have software capable of doing all of the above if you havent got a clue what im on about. id be happy to take a a look for you. hypothetically speaking, if you had a portable digital audio recorder separate to your camera you could place it in close to the locomotive and sheltered from any wind but focused on the prime mover as @Broithe suggests. this would free you up to record the video from anywhere on the train and you could also use a second microphone and deadcat plugged into your camera with the gain turned down and have it pointed down or backwards. ie not directly into the wind. this mic would record the general atmosphere and the sound further back in the train like the rumble of the coaches as they go along. you would then syncronise the sounds in your video editing software and the final audio track would be a mixture of the two that you will have slightly more editing control over. this would sum together to make a very nice overall sound but may be overkill and would require 2 people to carry out properly.
  2. Well he's back now. And he doesn't like the cut of your jib!
  3. Sean

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    I started junior infants in 1996 and stayed in that school until first class around 99 or 2000. the main line to dublin would run by our playground at eye level, the playground might have even been a little above rail height but you got an epic view of passing trains one way or another so normally when we heard the 071 off in the distance we would run down for a quick look at the passing train. One thing i always remembered clearly was that i always tried to count the amount of "ir intercity" versus "intercity" logos that i would see because they were an odd one out that you would only see sometimes.
  4. the shops section could definitely do with looking at and overhaul. its basically imposible to get even small items in from the UK now without anpost opening the package up and slapping another bill plus handling fee ontop of whatever you have ordered. my knowledge of european retailers isnt strong enough that i would go making loads of big orders from them even though a lot of them offer a low flatrate shipping to ireland. one particular thing has annoyed me this week, I wanted a specific superquick kit, so i went an ordered it off ebay for RRP plus nearly the same again in postage plus probabaly another 7 or 8 euro in taxes before i actually get the thing! last night i was browsing an Irish retailer (who isnt listed in the shops section) and what popped up? a range of superquick kits at RRP plus about a fiver in postage with next day delivery. The store do not stock Irish models but they do attend Irish exhibitions, other irish shops missing too. of the shops listed, 2 are still open and one is based mostly in england.
  5. A JCB has arrived onsite to shovel ballast.
  6. There's a solid justification for each and every one of these busses...... Except for like two of them
  7. Fleet Goals DJ, Fleet Goals.
  8. lol i got one in the post from brian this morning
  9. Dimming the floodlights like i was on about in my email made a nice difference. they looked good before but maybe a little too bright, and made the models look a little bit like they were in a shed under artificial light rather than in a shunting yard. In one way i installed a few too many but dimmed down im getting nice overall coverage so i think i called it right overall and theres a nice balance in illumination between the loco and the floodlights the photo is also heavily edited to make it look nicer
  10. was there another cat related incident?
  11. reminds me of:
  12. Spreading a different kinda. Ballast between the tracks today. And proof that no 181s have been harmed during the production of this layout The ground cover is making a big difference to the look of the models for me its also highlighting the code 100 track a little bit but its not too bad.
  13. Any idea when they will be going out? still got an unpaid preorder i need to take care of...
  14. lol its just sitting in the base of the casette outta the way
  15. Today has been spent spreading ballast. Almost ready to flood it with glue
  16. VID_20230815013604.mp4 After Dark, An Asahi liner passes through.
  17. Sean

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    these 12 pre orders just popped up on the Marks Models site, due date and price.
  18. ugh its like the whole "light machine oil" debacle all over again
  19. so i got these tubes of grease in the post today; https://www.roads-and-rails.co.uk/products/twin-pack-model-railway-grease?_pos=4&_sid=319807b91&_ss=r problem is there is absolutely no description of what types of grease they are or what areas they should be applied to, does anybody know? the white stuff looks just like the stuff you would see inside the A class bogies.
  20. Was pretty underwhelmed by the iPhone speaker I fitted the last day so this morning I'll be attempting to squeeze in this fancy one from road and rails.
  21. VID20230810000352.mp4 Perhaps the finished product will explain things a little better
  22. This is an open source wireless throttle for DCC++ it has a 1 inch OLED display and onboard charging via this full sized usb-b connector, I could have used micro usb here but I did not because i hate that particular connector. Overall it is a very simple build consisting of 4 components(plus the extra usb port and battery) works with or without JMRI. https://github.com/flash62au/WiTcontroller/ Now its time to wire it and hopefully flash the software and away I go.
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