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Everything posted by Sean

  1. I'd nearly buy them just to fuck with him, cant remember my ebay login
  2. Is this your ad DJ?
  3. Looks like this will prove insanely useful for planning my goods shed, this particular shed is also situated within a carpark too so i can get in for a closer look
  4. After recent successes with my micros the bug for something bigger and with continuous running had always been niggling in the back of my mind but after mulling on it for a while a tail chaser would not do as i had my mind set on bigger things and longer trains. So ive spent the last couple of weeks planning and building benchwork and this week ive managed to get some trackwork laid so now i finally feel like talking about what ive been doing the result is a 45cm wide bench going around my loft room totalling 12'x7' with a decent space for walkaround in the middle of the room. planning said track work was handy as I was just looking for one big country branchline type loop going around the room which would evolve more over time. Ideally i was thinking from the outset that eventually the layout will incorporate a station area, as well as a quarry area elsewhere in the room but the rest would be pure countryside running. the station would be built from the get go but the quarry area will be a later addition once i start to get a nice bit of a landscape down and have played with the layout for a while. Also finally decided to take the plunge with code 75 and a pair of tracksettas and a dremel tool and OMG why did i not do this years ago so whilst i had been laying the track loop around the room i had also been researching what kind of station I would like and ideally i wanted to make a replica of Gorey station, however upon measuring OSI maps and comparing them to the available space that i had I really was going to need a few more available feet to do it proper justice so I began looking for alternatives from the nearby stations on the map and in the end a very suitable compromise was found and i have quickly designed the station plan around this idea. the placeholder toy buildings have been added to give me an idea of what things are going to look like. I quickly came to the conclusion that Enniscorthy was a little bit too elaborate and Arklow actually worked but it still became space prohibitive as the old goods layout added a lot of required space. Eventually i stumbled upon Tinahely and it struck me as perfect as it followed a very similar layout to gorey whilst fitting into a much more compact space. So the station plan follows this station quite closely, I have had to shorten it slightly and one siding is missing and may or may not be added later depending on how lazy i get. the infrastructure and surrounding roads are going to be similar to the OS map however overall the station buildings are going to be based off of Gorey station and there will be 2 platforms with a footbridge with integrated signal box etc just like main line DSER stations. I can currently fit 4 coach trains at the platforms or 3 42 footers into the goods loop which seems like a decent setup to me although there definitely is some temptation to shorten the goods loop to give 5 coach platforms and a 2 flat goods loop, taking some time off from layout building to decompress and enjoy the nice weather for now however .. Still gotta wire the thing but we can leave that for a rainy day, ha
  5. Jouef do/used to do a set track that was smaller than the first radius we know now.
  6. https://www.trains.com/mrr/how-to/model-train-layouts/model-train-decor-using-shelf-layouts/
  7. https://www.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/murphy-models-cravens/30450640 6 cravens, 600 euro lol.
  8. dunno man, it was the first result when i clicked on YOUR ebay link. lol
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175757401179?hash=item28ebf51c5b:g:Vs4AAOSwJINkfKzS&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwFIXze2H6irjdvfjj6LTlBtoWb2Ya4sY%2FfsRtS9sopiiQp3NvnE8Lq0%2BqN5KAqrXoE%2FAJ4pMnoZvnIdJDaXTVdBVd%2F7bftn2UFbmz%2FtTSYGl0LwdkQXI%2B5Zg8CLCMfShe9VRoR0P8HjG0Y1TDcCKFJO8cL%2BfmjCW0%2F1G%2B4XCPkV8E7Wyv%2BJUOYRqpOEgdSWCs1AlmkMEvZqp2g26jyPAqZGNbBZEiXqbj8jRQoZLWDnhpA116GzGuDj3A6CXUrQjnw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8DI9YWSYg
  10. any cheap flights and hotels going
  11. I like to think of it as just under half a mile co-incidentally, this is made up of 8x 4x1.5 foot boards, overall we are at 12x7. I think were going to need a bigger thread, this aint westport no more!
  12. i am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that that was some sort of "I am the one who knocks" territorial power move, lil shit.
  13. So what's this then lol
  14. looks good to me, rule one and all that
  15. anybody else find it highly annoying that adverts have taken away our ability to look at sold and withdrawn items? probabaly easier on admin but it would be nice if they at least cached them for a short time.
  16. my restaurant now, the only thing served shall be pints of 120 proof pure grice
  17. i like the 121 foam packaging quite a bit if im honest. the one caveat to me is that when putting the top piece of foam back in if you put it down the wrong way it becomes very easy to snap off the horn the next time you unbox the loco, its also very easy to put the foam in the wrong way as theres no real indication of which way its supposed to go, ive unboxed brand new locos with the top piece installed the wrong way however which was annoying but as i was aware of the issue from a previous horn snapping i could still unbox without issue (although a little more nerve wracking then it should be)
  18. And then came night! could not resist wiring up more LEDS after my successes in the shed. 007 rolls through light engine at dusk. little bit of trackside furniture added, there is a nice ambience starting to build now.
  19. Sean

    IRM "

    Hey big spender
  20. had hoped to get an update in sooner but ive actually been spending a lot of time running the layout, which can only be a good thing. that being said, this week ive been messing around with scratch building the wagon shed . First time working in wood or doing anything interior related and it still needs paint but overall I'm really pleased with it and how nicely and effectively the little mirrored surface is working out in there. just looking at this photo now it is making me strongly consider the idea of a small very low relief lean to building to fill in on the remainder of the backscene space. may look better than just a wall of blue like we see now. Ive also added a backscene, just a free printout for now whilst i decide if the backdrop is what i want to be looking at long term, if so ill probably want to get my hands on an id backscene of the terraced houses. this works well for now albeit i do find it slightly repetitive, i guess i can decide after a few more operating sessions. as mentioned earlier, i have went ahead and expanded the alexandra cassette into a full length shelf incorporating more of a fiddle yard with a run around and a couple of sidings, this allows adding slight variety onto the types of traffic that can run through the yard in a given running session as well as adding a little more "play" potential into the layout, and this is a layout that is very much meant to be played with!
  21. I was under the impression that they were only painted blue for a while and spent most of their life in brown. happy to be wrong though, now having them on my layout actually fits the era.
  22. Ive also seen in more than one video of the short 2-3 wagon liner trains that the thing is hauled by a single 121 in ir livery which would have had to have been turned around for the return leg of its journey.
  23. VID-20230508-WA0001.mp4 some fun tonight as we get to see 007 passing through the yard with the empty taras whilst the guinness liner awaits offscene for the road in. turns out operating 2 throttles with one hand and a camera with the other can be quite tricky so the vid is a bit sloppy, the notch points on 133 are also nonstandard and and i forgot to reset them, however,
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