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Everything posted by Sean

  1. I wouldnt mind grabbing one. will they be stocked @BosKonay?
  2. works for these guys , or they could glue one onto a dmu and preserve the whole lot as if it were headed for the emu depot that is not electrified.......
  3. Ballasting in progress!
  4. ive actually seen a few videos of some USA RR with that same livery of grey with yellow railings all over, found it very surprising but cool.
  5. Just to clear up on a few points here, ive bought a heap of sound decoders lately from all of the irish manufacturers. All LS5 chips function the exact same, there is no difference bar the loaded software telling the chip how to function. I got 3x 121 chips, a 645 and a pair of 567's, all from different retailers I am very pleased with the the 645 and one of the 567's as they contain the high quality prime mover files and come with a very comprehensive function map and accompanying pdf to guide the user through things. all of the full throttle features are there and are enabled and seem to be implemented quite well. the braking suite is also there the second 567 that i got turned out to be a bit "meh" but it was the first one that i purchased so i probabaly missed the returns window on this one. this one has the non high fidelity prime mover sounds and the functions do not at all match up with the supplied pdf to the point that i suspect i might have been sent the wrong chip (although its definitely a 567 mover with irish sound effects). full throttle does not work on this one, I had no drive hold, idle or run8, unsure about braking as the function map is messed up. after probing the function map in JMRI I have been able to access drive hold and the braking features no problem however I cannot get to the idle and run8 functions without the use of a lokprogrammer as they seem to be tied intrinsically to sound slots in the project that i cannot access or may not be present. in fairness this works well now but i am not totally satisfied and will aim to have it reblown with a better sound file at some stage. Ive also gotten 2 A class chips and its my understanding that these sound projects were developed in house by a company sound engineer to suit the actual duel speaker set up that is shipped with the loco. These sound files are second to none and are well programmed with all of the full throttle features and a few that are unique to the loco already set up and good to go out of the box, these chips really do work great and seem to have captured the unique sound of an EMD motor blowing out through metrovick exhausts fairly well. as much as people dislike paying a little extra for pre flashed chips, its kinda hard to justify not recommending them considering the amount of work it would take to come close to this type of project by yourself.
  6. its a 1/32 jobbie but i want to convert it into one of those reach stackers from the era
  7. been a bit busy so i havent flooded the forum with my usual sleuth of updates but things have been moving along. I really enjoy making up micro modules in small amounts of time and then taking a break before moving onto the next one so the way the room is setup is playing well into that idea. made up this bridge using bits off the old layout, not really conforming to any prototype its just a bridge for now. That escalated quickly. nice aul mountainy stretch to throw a few models cars onto the road when all is done. just finished some ballasting and mud scattering in order to test the waters with this type of ballast, its a lot more forgiving than using n scale ballast and since this is technically a different part of the network, i decided ah sher lets use a fresher looking ballast than old tired looking stuff on here. Grass mat is a bit stained from the pva and water mix but i had always anticipated i would be covering most of it with scatter again anyway so it should be grand later on. This yoke started off as the dapol bungalow kit, but it never fit where i wanted it so after about 3 failed kitbashes i was left with this little shack. a crossing keepers shack. this weekend should focus on the somewhat boring but still oddly satisfying building of a field the right hand side is still mostly a blank canvas so the field will somewhat make things feel a little bit more complete before i spend ages painting and scattering the hillside.
  8. no login since 2020; hes gooooone.
  9. nicely done, how are you picking up power from the rails?
  10. Speculators profiteer from Collectors. A hobbyist might be happy to only ever own one loco and a loop of track with some wagons. definitely a very wide demographic to paint everyone with one type of brush.
  11. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    ......Yes please.
  12. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    AS models ordered from irishrailwaymodels.com get posted from Dublin in my experience and are delivered in 24 hours. and besides, Accurascale is a part of Irish Railway Models
  13. I am exactly like this. its definitely what drives my desire to build micros instead of big massive layouts.
  14. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    There is no saving as far i know as the price you are seeing on accurascale.com is ex VAT and dispatched from the UK.... IRM prices are inc VAT. Customs will still sting you for that VAT on arrival into Ireland plus the delivery will take a little bit longer. the sites are configured to show different prices based on the users location based on tax payable.
  15. I agree at 185 its not for me however I am a railway modeller and I am more than happy with having a single oxford bus eireann mass produced yoke sitting somewhere on the layout. with my ERA and set and setting being very rural also, it would look silly for me to populate the layout with obscure Dublin busses. (anyone modelling outside the big smoke will probabaly also have a similar sort of opinion) that being said, model busses a huge niche of their own and these models should do well going by their history. had I actually lived in dublin during the times that these busses were zooming around i would probabaly have a lot more desire for one. Models of trucks in irish Liveries seem to follow along a similar style of model releases also. Local crane hire company near me has models available of their fleet but prices are comparable enough to these.
  16. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    my reorder came to 145 so i was just under that limit
  17. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    they process the customs data before the pack even gets out of the UK.......
  18. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    I think the issue is more so that loads of us have been getting stuff off hattons problem free for ages because they had everything set up properly for EU trade and now all of a sudden it seems like ALL of their stuff is being returned from Ireland and leaving customers stuck in limbo for a month or more. the other channels they are using to send stuff to Ireland are all working fine albeit at a much higher cost. Surely all of this back and forth of packages is causing a lot of extra work and expense for RM anpost and Both sets of customs as well as hattons themselves, and theres absolutely no warning for the buyers until they find out their package has been rejected and may well spend the next month sitting around doing nothing.
  19. Sean

    Customs & VAT

    The big question I have is just WHY oh WHY havent hattons suspended domestic mailing to ireland when this seems to be an ongoing issue effecting a lot of their customers. someone suggested using addresspal the other day as a work around. skips all this bullshit and the package gets imported properly and actually delivered.
  20. I would have liked to have seen her out in the modern grey livery. didnt like it at first but then i did. thought the same about the delivery grey livery.
  21. Amazing, Thanks for this.
  22. if they can squeeze it all into the 121 im sure theres enough space within the slightly larger 141 shell. Presumably the chassis will have some level of similarity to those as well. also would hope for an all new range of running numbers given the way things are in that regard now. would also mean that the older ones are still just as collectable after these come out.
  23. i reckon the handrails commonly got broken and then removed entirely among the younger modellers who didnt fully know how to handle models just yet I have a love hate relationship with them
  24. Rumor has it theres the same body shell, reworked bogies, a speaker and "a few other tweaks here and there." Assumedyly this means they will have updated the pcb also to seperate the head and marker lights but thats just speculation from me really, for the new bogie i would assume we just get 121 bogies. the hand rails and wipers on the current 141/181 range also feels very dated to me, so assumedly these will be updated to suit more modern modelling standards although im also kinda hoping any spares will be compatible with the older models and i doubt MM would be able to do both of these things but we never know until they arrive with us.
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