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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Got some cool footage of 85 earlier in gorey so said i would do a bit of a photo dump. shame about the resolution i must get myself a better phone. VID20220731184144.mp4 Arrival into Gorey VID20220731184254.mp4 A dedicated crew of firemen quickly springing into action in order to keep the engine chuffing! VID20220731184450.mp4 Blowing off steam! "The Belly of the Beast" VID20220731185315.mp4 Another brilliantly loud blow off, followed by departure. The microphone on this phone certainly did not do that sound justice, at least throws of people running away with their fingers jammed into their ears will do testament to document just how loud this hissing was
  2. Another interesting angle is that the order of wagons can be completley random on an incoming train, so in order to correctly deliver the correct wagon to the correct part of the siding the dock traffic will have to be taken out and reshunted at the station before it can be finally delivered down to the dock. Will reply properly to your longer post tomorrow, as ive been mostly posting pictures from the phone it doesnt really lend well to writing replies to longer posts.
  3. Interesting, definitely making me jealous that my scenic area can only be like 2 foot long!
  4. This module is really beginning to look like something now Weigh house The scalescenes stone goods shed. Turned out significantly better than my initial scalescenes attempts on the other layout as I took the time to source more appropriate card this time. Working door. Bought the scalescenes silo. Decided as silos are quite basic shaped structures in general im Using it as a template to try my hand at scratch building my own pollexfens silo! Staff entrance Employee parking water now looking way better after a few days. Had pretty much no working vans in my collection of rolling stock at the moment so just stuck these few dapol kits together today also. Although not prototypical to Ireland they will fill a stop gap just fine till I find somthing better. Might even paint them up as specialised CIE fish vans for a nearby food processing plant as it would make another unique piece of rolling stock for inglenook purposes.
  5. Id love these but im in wexford, will gladly pay postage.
  6. 135 rolls onto the dock for the first time. Marina water attempt one. Bit browner than I'd liked but the brown kinda suits it now.
  7. somthing of major interest i have just spotted. the chutes and elevator at the side have been discussed a lot here. but actually, looking at later photos this section has been convered in by a canopy. The reason this is interesting me, I have been looking for somthing suitable for this building however the walthers kit might actually be too big for the tiny little space i have allocated. This one however fits with room to spare. https://scalescenes.com/product/t037-low-relief-grain-silo/ its not exactly what i am looking for but it may just work for the available space nicely. the additional red brick parts could suggest a bigger facility being located here with only the facade of the silo modellable in the space...... IT does have a canopy over the elevator/chutes just like is seen in the above photo. https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/kidlington-water-eaton-grain-silo-oxfordshire-january-2013.77110/ The protoype itself is not too dissimilar. 7 stories I wonder would it be hard to stick a few windows into the scalescenes kit and change the red brick area for solid concrete. then i couldnt say no.
  8. Thanks Tim, in theory im going to need 8 types of rolling stock, was thinking of laden and unladen ballast to make up 2 of these types. in reality it is seeming i could have far more than 8 different types of rolling stock and the plan would still be believeable. Funnily enough I have just stumbled upon some more information that suggests it was actually a flour mill all along! however in the 1970's in its last year of use it was used by the government to store grain. It was originally built by RH Hall from plans by architech James Friel who also designed the RH hall elevators and it later became pollexfens. https://www.buildingsofireland.ie/buildings-search/building/31308726/roman-island-westport-quay-mayo this man explains it better than I for sure. Pollexfens headed paper showing a steam train. Telephone number - 3.
  9. Chips are everywhere dude. Save it until you inevitably want to finally use DCC or even for using it on a friend's layout. Lighting controls are addictive
  10. So does anybody know just why there appears to be a wagon ON BOARD this ship? And how did it get on and off of said ship.
  11. Another great day today! All of the ground work done on this module. Dowels in. Track down and aligned. green matting down. No ballast left and that has to come from hattons so it must wait. The little lick of the paint really cleans up the look too when compared to the messy front of the dock still. Leaves me with a sort of blank canvas for what is to come next. Quay built. Just have to paint this module again and make stonework now. Then I'll think buildings. Level crossing cemented in situ.
  12. you might like this one. Frank Gill’s Caravan Park, Roman Island, Westport Quay. 1973. Original photo by Liam Lyons Would this platform/weigh house refer to the Limerick steamship building you are talking of? I actually have the scalescenes coalstage/weighbridge building ready to be assembled to go into that place, however if that one was more suitable it would definitely be within my budget. There is another little hut marked weighhouse at the other side of the pond also. Ive also got a resin version of a similar stone hut that came with the ratio oil depot kit that i could swap out for the scalescenes kit as this layout is definitely becoming more detailed than the one that building lives on now. Not sure where i seen this now, but the lift is dated 1904. which explains the confusion in dating of earlier photos. Have taken a look at the walthers kit and whilst its out of my budget i might have to make an exception later on. it looks the part and Somthing like that at the end of the branchline would really stand out as unique
  13. This one is estimated 1970's (around my time) good to note a lack of cobblestones which will make my life far easier. Apparently this ship was built in 1957 for general cargo and carried in coal and timber. It was renamed in 1986. So with tonights digging it seems that even in the later days of this harbour it was still accommodating big ships as well as just being a small fishing harbour which greatly increases what i can do here. as well as box vans and cattle vans we will also see coal and ranks grain hoppers. alongside a few other misc pieces of traffic that would have moved by sea and rail Where i am going to deviate from prototype is simple ; instead of being lifted in the 70's the line remained for another 20 years as a goods only line right onto the quay. I am not going to specify train frequency as im sure this will change as much as my mood and the operating era does. it can alll be operated by a single engine and even in the latter days it was almost unheard of to have a second engine on the line although it did happen from time to time. the station is completeley disused except for the goods platforms and the very occasional railtour. I want to set up an automated shuttle from the dock to the station for goods. a small platform is being considered for a railbus to run down to the docks also however I dont think that idea will make my final cut.
  14. had a bit of a trawl tonight as im still trying to work out the track alignment, the fact that the shoreline has changed over the years makes it a little confusing but i think i got it worked out now. you are right in saying that photos of the docks are few and far between, however I have come accross some at least that might help work things out a little more. some vans at the mill Where "the towers" is now . A Classes with oil and 20 footers! quay line is gone. unseen station angle interesting video of the harbour. no railways but you can see a large corrugated building that i can only assume is the goods store(now gone) edit: few more here. Quay sketch circa 1970 SS Kelpie moored at Westport Quay and taking on a cargo of grain from Pollexfens Mill. Lawrence Collection - NLI The Quay Westport over 1 hundred years Ago, notice the second set of gates for the siding. Also note the goods railway wagon at the bow of the ship. The harbour at westport quay 1900 is the caption on this one but given theres no mill its earlier?.
  15. Some time later. Guess I need to build another baseboard for the other side now. First radius curve but shouldn't cause too much heartache with my chosen rolling stock. This should let me tease out the narrative a bit more and add to my scenic skills.. I'm really enjoying the pace of taking out a section and doing a lot of scenics in a small space at once.
  16. A well earned day off today. Tonight i am contemplating the feasability of an additional module the what i could potentially make it look like.
  17. Thank you good sir, mine are now secured. Must be selling better than anticipated Now heres one for you, Did a partial.ly using a revolut account which is generally empty unless im buying somthing. Can you give a week or so notice somewhere before the balance is due to be taken to ensure I actually have money on the account when it needs to be there? Cheers
  18. This is what I'm seeing on the .com
  19. Didnt get a chance to order mine. is it possible to order from the uk stock and have it landed to the irish warehouse when it becomes available? Sorry if thats being a pain!
  20. Take a Dremel and shorten the body height a bit and you'd be pretty close unless counting rivets.
  21. https://www.hattons.co.uk/394003/dapol_a023_4_wheel_salt_van_unpainted/stockdetail Hmmm
  22. Finally got around to using this and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. Quite a good solution for quickly making a textured almost loose chippingy road surface that doesn't look super modeern.
  23. Super productive day today. Despite almost melting. Being able to work on this piece outside helps a lot. Road paved and I'm rather happy with the outcome. Half the water work is done. Not as green as I was going for but as this took a few attempts as is. Will look nice once finished tomorrow. Ballasted the very short bit of ballasting that needs doing with n scale ballast.i wanted to make it a bit darker but I wanted to avoid that new ballast look so these small grains are the solution for now. Tried to leave a little green verge beside the track bed as in the prototype. And stone walling everywhere. Wouldn't be mayo without it. 142 awaiting the mgwr ish gate. Sher I can't lift this yoke are you sure it's the right wagon?! 142 returns with its wagon.
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