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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Spent all day dreading sanding down this filler but it actually profiled quite quickly when I put the block on it using the sleepers and railhead to guide in the leveling of the surface Couple of skim coats and standings and she will be ready to be ruined with paints , lol
  2. Slowly taking shape, it's a little trickier than then usual hard standing but should be okay after a round or two of filling and sanding.
  3. in fairness the hobby mad order came over night, even had to email them to change somthing and it arrived in time.
  4. No scattering as of yet but things have been happening the last few days Some road stuck down other bits awaiting undercoat. Started putting brickwork on the station too. The walls are from an n guage metcalfe kit but they actually work decently here. Passengers get a lakeside view as they wait. Kinda pleased at how I have been able to play on features of the backscene to support the narrative of where I am modelling. The location is entirely fictitious but believable as an Irish location. I also got the road work and the surface for the goods platform from that kit as well as two longish n guage platforms so it was definitely worth picking up. Will have the station house kit Friday. Inside the tunnel definitely needs dulling down as evidenced in these photos. Trying my hand at the other type of hard standing. What you see at the fuelling stands at in real life. Needs another run of filler in this shot although I ran out and only got more today. Using exclusively powder filler this time round as it's usually sandable the same day and doesn't set too quickly that you'll clog up the rails. Kind of moved away from using das clay altogether. Will have to see how it is in the long run. It's very cheap. The white thing holding the boundary of the fillers square is actually spare bits from the platform kit here. So that was another kit that has shown its value in more than one way Still a bit to go but the end is in sight and I'm looking forward to being finished. Although it's never really "finished"
  5. I am being slowly converted over to the idea of weathering after seeing how much it can highlight all the panelwork on the side of a GM. in the past i havent cared for it.
  6. john paul strikes again Seriously, leave em for modellers to buy and stop hoarding them as if they appreciate faster than crypto currency. Have had to resign myself to a life of "no 071 until IRM decide to make one" (ARE YOU LISTENING IRM????????) 141/181 that im JUST ABOUT willing to pay for are still within my grasp, but probably not for long, and im coming back into "no big purchases for another few months" mode. agh, the perils of an irish GM modeller...... at least i am amassing a healthy 121 fleet.
  7. maybe you can head to London for a spin on the new Elizabeth line. With those prices ya coulda saved 500 odd quid by avoiding the match thicks and getting on in Portalington.... Were you planning on actually doing the tour? Bit of a Moaning Michael really..... At the end of the day a JT22CW Railtour is being delivered as advertised.
  8. Does the colour of the loco really detract all that much from the service that is being offered?
  9. hi @jhb171achill, just found this store and thought of your perdicament. https://www.hobbymad.ie/ one4all accepted for modelling supplies. just placed my first order with them so we shall see how it goes.
  10. with smalller boards like this, it really does seem like a process whereby you design an overly complex track plan and then over time as you begin to play with stuff you come to realise that less is more without nessesarily sacrificing on operability whilst increasing realism of operations.
  11. hey guys anyone know whats happening to the goods shed and yard at gorey at the minute? seems to be a few portakabins on site and the old goods shed is surrounded in scaffolding with the doors left open, had a much better view driving past the yard as if some of the trees have been removed also. sean
  12. Actually yes, but for areas like infront of the wall where theres no road and around the forest entry it will be easier to put down a layer first, plus it will be easier to get the hillside painted if im not having to be careful of painting the road. after its stuck down, particularly where the road meets the fence an extra layer will definitely be needed to get rid of any whites and blend it all together.
  13. hattons samskip is a curtainside, think thats why it looked weird, almost bought one till i seen that
  14. Not for long though. Gonna get the hill scattered before I stick it down properly.
  15. when i get my programming track plugged in ill read the esu encoders and send you on the fuction maps.
  16. the 071 situation is absolutely depressing for anybody getting into the hobby again or for the first time. Im sure the forthcoming IRM one is going to sell like hotcakes, eh?
  17. Makeshift parking area. gonna start the station if i can find someone with a good enough printer to do the scalescenes kit for me.
  18. With no trains running for the weekend due to a lack of points I've started to decorate the road. Lake walk. Needs some coillte signage to complete. Gates, signposts, just need some Irish signage for the sign post Country road, just needs tarmac and the embankment surface now!
  19. looking at getting one of these, what coach are they made to fit as i have heard some mk2's can be made in differing lenghts? how hard is it to do the conversion?
  20. that livery didnt really last all that long in real life either though did it?
  21. give me a day or two, im just about to start building my roster on JMRI so i can put all of my locos onto seperate channels, jmri is on a "good" computer now so it will properly enable me to screenshot the process.
  22. i mean ..... maybe im avoiding 45's for that very reason,
  23. to slowly stir the shit handle on this massive pot of speculation a little more , Hey @BosKonay, Do you consider the plough vans to be "powered items"? wouldnt it be gas if all this speculation about new locos turned out to be a lovely little brake van for the silver A's or somthing else completley unexpected
  24. I'd say the same for the likes of unit 45 or that though. I think we don't expect to see them because they are so new that when we do they seem a bit out of place. I actually decided that containers don't need to be prototypical on the layout I have as a. I've only ever really seen container movements in videos b. I don't really have an in-depth enough knowledge to know exactly what would work, I do aim for companies that have moved stuff in Ireland though to keep it plausible. C. Rule 1 applies. It will add variety to the layout and I currently have more containers than flats so I can chop and change as I please. Sometimes I just buy containers as memento for example the ever green one reminds me forever about that time they decided to Austin Powers the Suez canal.
  25. Seen some earlier on an "xpo liner" video on FB, was just one or two and a load of tanktainers. Will repost if I see again
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