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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Whesht of Ireland is all I know. I think Galway or somewhere like that.
  2. ah, they really had me sold at wexford, looks like i shall be taking the plunge and joining.
  3. thats super interesting john. do you know what the additional platforms would have been used for? there is a large vehicle gate leading onto them so i had been thinking goods or cattle, but the cattle pens are located elsewhere on the map. they are overgrown to the point of nearly being gone and i dont think that they were ever in use during my lifetime as i only remember discovering they existed in the past year or two. Must ask my father what he can remember about them. Cheers
  4. Where did you get the mounts for the servos JB? looking very good
  5. the guy is a genius, decided that real railway wheels, axles and track was all far too expensive to make the project feasible so has spent the last year or so engineering it all from scratch. hes only been posting about the engine in the last couple of months. The best part? its located in Ireland
  6. this is all kinds of cool i have been following this guy for a while as he has built this little railway in his garden to move sticks didnt in a million years actually expect him to build a loco but here it is!
  7. Starting to get unrealistically busy in the yard. The cure for this will be to build a "depot" area somewhere out on the main baseboard using all the leftover points. And what's this about MORE supertrain ?!?! recent aquisitions have now FINALISED that the era will be very early to mid in the IR period.
  8. Wasnt that just one or two they had lost down the back of the couch though and they were gone within hours? Always opening those links DJ and thinking "hmm thats not too bad" until i am overwhelmingly dissapointed by the words "0 Pujas" as i realise whats going on.
  9. Sean


    100% Agree There was an N gauge layout on adverts in a really obscure section a year or two ago being sold in similar circumstances and it was basically free. sat there for ages with no biters and eventually the guy messaged me again offering it to me for a tenner before he took the plunge to scrap it. Regrettably i let him scrap it and still regret it to this day.
  10. yes it will work but it will make the "wrong" sound for 071 class.
  11. ordering some of these today, had been searching for somthing suitable for ages. how long was the cie roundel retained and when was it replaced by IR and points?
  12. That looks great
  13. admiring a gorgeous new arrival this afternoon I would promise that this will be the last one. Except it won't The cogs are now turning for a new micro layout to suit this one. That's in the future though, need a break from layout construction once this one finally wraps up
  14. Shame he won't split them and I cba moving the unwanted ones on afterwards. Have my eye on a couple online but I'd rather walk in and hand someone a piece of paper and walk out with one than sit around waiting for a post to fine me for importing second hand toys
  15. Stick a few solar panels up and watch that rate drop even further. Best I've done In recent times was gorey to Ashbourne via the wicklow gap for five euros on my Honda CRF 250. That's a year or two ago mind you.
  16. Is that some sort of spray booth you've built
  17. any mk2 coaches floating about? non irish, cheap and cheerful preferable as its a to be used as a donor.
  18. nearly bought the van hool until i seen the fees ffs its also not buy it now ffffffs
  19. Probably about time I put up a picture with a train in it And probably the best lighting I've gotten for a picture so far you still see the odd sleeper if you zoom in but that lessens with each paint coat. Got a hedge and some stone walling installed just to add variation to the road and hide the gap a little better than the fencing could. not much else has happened this week but it's getting there.
  20. hey guys, just wondering if anybody can point me in a the direction of a good tutorial on using this stuff? have a bag of it sitting here that could be put to good use but some instructions would be good before i go ruining a perfectly good bit of timber Sean
  21. Never noticed this before as I had just assumed they wouldn't have survived the platform being lengthened a few years back but the old original goods platforms that can be seen on the OSI map still exist today! The entrance to the old platforms still exist too however things are massively overgrown and inaccessible these days. The place would make a great little terminus for preservation along side the main running line to Dublin there's even still a water tower.
  22. although decrepid now, i imagine this shed was once a hub of activity one of my aborted layouts, tried to mimic the track plan of gorey as much as possible down into a small space, i think i did quite well except for the lack of a platform 2. there used to be a canopy coming out from the front of the shed that covered over the running loop.
  23. Got this zoom photo at the end of P2. Anybody know? Not sure if knocking or restoring.
  24. same week as the toothpaste 071's i hear.....
  25. so this is why they come in a box within a sleeve within a box within a sleeve , inside of an air bubble filled box. Make a video of yerself drop kicking it off the roof of IRM HQ with a repeat of this test
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