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minister_for_hardship last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. A lot of this can be down to practicalities. A loco is in for repainting, someone's there to do the job but there's not enough of the correct colour because someone else has forgotten to reorder. Rather than delaying / putting off the job, paint it with anything acceptable on hands because it's desperately wanted out in traffic again. We see oddball liveries to this day for pragmatic reasons, the public won't care what colour the loco pulling their train is.
  2. They had the blue/white scheme in the Telecom Eireann era. A very small number survived into Eircom days.
  3. Following on a potentially more serious incident on Feb 8th, innocuously noted as a "signalling issue at Mallow" on Twitter was in fact a spad/collision with points at Killarney junction, actual cause was announced on board, resulting in mass disruption into the following day but strangely not picked up by media.
  4. https://www.oakhillworks.co.uk/shop/00-scale-listowel-lartigue-locomotive/
  5. Still lots of examples of the "three pin plug" logo in evidence. On rolling stock theres still etched glass on mirrors and sliding doors and luggage rack signs with them. Probably literally thousands of trespass and "keep back from yellow line" notices with the old IE.
  6. Still money to be made from shonky signs made out of Chinese bed irons. Auctioneers are worse to be flogging this sh*te, especially when posing as experts on the Sunday newspaper supplements urging people to invest in so-called antiques. Del Boy Trotters most of them.
  7. C.I.E. in block caps was a placeholder "logo" until the broken wheel, but survived for a time on road transport containers and vehicles, uniform cap badges and some publicity material.
  8. I got a 2 car set in meantime, but as mentioned the shade of green is rather dull and has a blue tinge compared to the actual livery carried but better than nothing at all.
  9. Probably was one of the very few reinforced concrete water towers on the island? https://www.leinsterexpress.ie/news/local-news/1708446/end-of-an-era-irish-rail-demolish-historic-water-tower-at-laois-train-station.html
  10. Open to correction, but I recall it was coaches in as-built bare aluminium sheet rather than being painted silver.
  11. Re the SSM Sulzer kit, how is the body supposed to be fixed to the chassis?
  12. Get advice before putting cash down, find out what your selected one is worth. It is not unknown for bodies like BnM to take the Michael.
  13. Why and when did the station building go? Was there pre ww2, gone by the sixties
  14. It's quite a bit different to the classic diecast van Denny's themselves had as a free offer with sausage labels some years back.
  15. Indeed, haven't seen a tonnage plate in fractions of a ton.
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