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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Still money to be made from shonky signs made out of Chinese bed irons. Auctioneers are worse to be flogging this sh*te, especially when posing as experts on the Sunday newspaper supplements urging people to invest in so-called antiques. Del Boy Trotters most of them.
  2. C.I.E. in block caps was a placeholder "logo" until the broken wheel, but survived for a time on road transport containers and vehicles, uniform cap badges and some publicity material.
  3. I got a 2 car set in meantime, but as mentioned the shade of green is rather dull and has a blue tinge compared to the actual livery carried but better than nothing at all.
  4. Probably was one of the very few reinforced concrete water towers on the island? https://www.leinsterexpress.ie/news/local-news/1708446/end-of-an-era-irish-rail-demolish-historic-water-tower-at-laois-train-station.html
  5. Open to correction, but I recall it was coaches in as-built bare aluminium sheet rather than being painted silver.
  6. Re the SSM Sulzer kit, how is the body supposed to be fixed to the chassis?
  7. Get advice before putting cash down, find out what your selected one is worth. It is not unknown for bodies like BnM to take the Michael.
  8. Why and when did the station building go? Was there pre ww2, gone by the sixties
  9. It's quite a bit different to the classic diecast van Denny's themselves had as a free offer with sausage labels some years back.
  10. Indeed, haven't seen a tonnage plate in fractions of a ton.
  11. Following the discussion on PO wagons, decided to have a Google on the Murphy Brothers Limited wagons as released by Murphy's Models. Found this rather sad family history, modelling wise the company name as depicted on the wagons passed out of use as early as 1909. https://discoveringmyfamilyhistory.com/murphy-family/
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  12. An Irish example, quite scarce due to rarity of PO wagons on the Irish system.
  13. When repainted from Ranks livery to GSR/CIE markings does that indicate Ranks sold them off?
  14. The railtour WAGs they would be called now!
  15. Since we are doing cats, here's an IR tippex liveried example.
  16. To be fair it's quite a good representation, pity the artist hadn't copped there's two buffers. Railway Magazine did a short series a while back on bad railway pub signs, one of the better ones was a pretty good image of a loco and train but with a massive tension lock coupling up front.
  17. The hazards of painting murals from photos.
  18. In the first link, it's interesting that the painter picked out the letters and numerals on the wagon plate on the chassis. Normally they didn't bother with this.
  19. Its an attractive thing esp in regional colours, I don't mind it at all in Britain and in its proper context, it just seems to be a go-to, copy/paste design element now. It doesn't matter so much in a cafe or pub but in an historical or museum setting it gives me the ick. Irish railways had all their own distinctive heraldic coats of arms, modern era logos, advertising, typefaces...GSR & CIE Gaelic fonts. There's a deep well to draw on already.
  20. One thing that slightly annoying me is creeping "totemisation" (if that's a word - it is now) here. British Railways 1950s hotdogs at Clon Model Railway, various local community displays and Inchicore open day!
  21. Maybe they're fans of Guns N Roses?
  22. Should have had more 500s, and forget about building the three enormous white (or is that green?) elephants.
  23. Could be between "cattlebank and station?" From the cut of it, missing axlebox cover and what look like weeds growing out of it, it's likely not doing serious mileage anymore. Don't think rolling stock numbers started with "0" pre SuperTrain era.
  24. Ebay photo listing of ancient looking open with a literal sh*te wagon load. Before listing disappears, it has MULLINGAR painted on top RH corner, PXP painted in two places and carries number ?731 (first digit could well be a 6 or a 9) and painted instruction "TO RUN(?) BETWEEN WATERFORD (?) STATION (?)" Presumably, given the cattle wagons in background this is filled with the manure from them. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335714102551?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050
  25. If it looks too good to be true, it usually is. Fair amount of car boot sale grade rubbish in that same auction.
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