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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. It was already in decline for decades, like it or not, English was seen as the language to acquire to progress oneself. The education system did the language a huge disservice, foisting a heavily edited and sanitised "Peig" onto disinterested school children.
  2. It has a small number of very positive reviews, looking on Reddit I get the impression from people that while it's well-run and organised, it's a "one and done" kind of experience. Less positively, one Mayo councillor called it "an hour and a half of boredom" and added “I actually brought my niece with me, she hasn’t talked to me since". https://www.mayonews.ie/news/home/1298195/westport-councillor-calls-kiltimagh-velorail-an-hour-and-a-half-of-boredom.html
  3. The Tipp - Kilmallock (sic.) one is a nice example of staff "recycling".
  4. I guess it's better than nothing but like greenways a tad "ableist", esp when B na M have a modern passenger coach from their previous operation just lying there and the pick of the best locos.
  5. Perhaps due to grain traffic finishing up in the 70s(?) when photography was relatively expensive and beet lasting into the early 00s. Large and well known beet "campaigns", grain traffic may have been small bunches of wagons trundling up and down nearly unnoticed.
  6. Can be got for as low as £50. Tearnes manufactured transfers for railways all over Ireland, Britain and overseas, hundreds of them survived in unused stock, mounted on boards and sold to collectors. Very few that turn up for sale were actually cut from the side of a coach.
  7. Wouldn't be trustful of Irish auctions and the posters they offer. Could well be a laserjet printoff stuck in a cheap frame. I see that there's a producer of replica vintage Irish travel posters now, these could well be passed off as the real thing. Ridiculous price. IE cast these for bridges a few years back, not such a good idea as they're all disappearing now!
  8. DPD should be called Drop-Pic-Dash. There was someone in the house if they could be arsed looking. Thankfully I recognised which wall they ditched the box at.
  9. Taken through the gap under the door recently. Going by the amount of light flooding in, either the clear lights have been replaced (unlikely) or they've blown off. The site is an overgrown mess.
  10. Genuine but usual Irish auctioneer calling something "Victorian" or "19th century" when they don't have a clue.
  11. Irish railways were forced to mend and make do, from the 20s onwards. Great for visiting enthusiasts but a nightmare for the railway. One CME was quoted "I like historic locomotives, but I wish I had less of them!"
  12. Singletons and batches of non standard locos generally tend to be short lived. By the time they need heavy repairs it's not cost effective to be tinkering with them any further.
  13. If that is the case, it's really saddening and a further indictment of the uselessness of Tralee Town Council/KCC and local apathy.
  14. 1. There should be no shortage of Royal Mail vehicles of various eras, but no P&T or An Post in a useful scale. Renault 4 vans knocking about but an old, hard to find model and of course in HO. 2. Plenty double deckers and some BE single deckers but no commercially available CIE single deckers (apart from scarce and expensive kits) 3. Two varieties of CIE truck and green and b n t era Scammel Scarab have been released in recent years. 4. Major gap in the market here, earlier British marques shouldn't be a problem for the likes of Oxford.
  15. I've seen things with dates on them long after much of the contents were consigned to the history books. I've a GSR Appendix signed and dated up to 1985!
  16. Maybe one for the cottage industry 3d printing guys?
  17. Dromod, Cultra, anywhere but Tralee! Suddenly that loco would become a priceless artifact if you suggested taking it away from Tralee! Classic dog in the manger stuff.
  18. This hoary old chestnut again! I would say at this stage, with coaches out in all weathers for about 3 decades now, they would be beyond saving. Every couple of months it's brought up in online chatter along the lines of "whatever happened to.." or "wouldn't it be lovely if..." As Jhb has pointed out, the locals couldn't care less if the roof blew off the shed and 5T rotted into the ground where it stands. It's a sure fire bet the subject of the railway's future is one issue NOT exercising any of the local election candidates doorstepping this past while! Council minutes referring to the railway is much idle chatter followed up with the inevitable Greenway.
  19. Definitely industrial/b na m. Someone's mistaken. And the CB&PR had identical couplers to the Muskerry.
  20. "The first man is described as being in his late 20s to early 40s, clean shaven, with a large build and between 5ft 8in and 6ft tall." These aren't teens or kids messing around, fully grown adult men who you would think would have more sense.
  21. It really stands out in all the photos, compared to the dull as ditchwater grey current ICR scheme.
  22. I have a distant cousin in the US who is a Trumpette, I've unfollowed her without unfriending and I've done so with anyone else on the activist/overly political spectrum. I've noticed that I've confused the Book of Faces algorithm as it can't work out if I'm right, middle or left wing so I get random feeds from all.
  23. I was the last of my peer group to use a "dumb" phone, I was still sending old timey texts when everyone else was messaging. When the speaker got stuffed, I moved onto smartphone. I do appreciate the fact I've got a powerful mini computer in my pocket now which comes in very useful when I need to find out where the next train is, how to change a van lightbulb or find out if cats eat pancakes at 2am. My current smartphone screen is cracked and the case is held together with gaffer tape. I don't see the value in chucking something for fashion's sake, so long as the thing works it'll do me.
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