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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Done. The two wagons in the same category may dilute the vote a bit - we'll see.
  2. 1, Those pictures are all the right way up, has your account been hacked? 2, That's one hell of a drop there...
  3. Get her scanned - https://www.modelu3d.co.uk/3d-scanning/ - you can fit the wheels yourself.
  4. Birthday's over now. Back to work!
  5. Talk of helicopters reminded me of this. I love the fact that it is all coordinated by PHECC, the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council. A very Irish acronym. I look forward to further organisations being established - ARS, GURLS and DRINC, perhaps?
  6. I always bear in mind RTÉ's winter advice from 2009 - especially the section on 'Eating'. https://www.rte.ie/news/2009/0202/113451-snowtips/
  7. Be fair! This is a Yellow Snow Warning. Yellow snow is the worst sort.
  8. Do please wish the elves at the factory all the best - they have toiled well on our behalf.
  9. I had a call from Mr DPD about an hour ago, looking for target coordinates for here - I now have my bubbles in front of me. I was prepared for the brakes to be seized in the off-position, as on the ballasts, but was disappointed to find all six pressure gauges stuck - it'll be the cement dust, I suppose, at 1/76 scale, it'll just get everywhere. Otherwise, they seem OK.
  10. There was, but I don't really remember it.
  11. The Ballybrophy pit was still visible until lately. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/search/ballybrophy/@52.9022037,-7.5978909,84m/data=!3m1!1e3
  12. Generally, people will quote RMS voltage, as it is the most 'useful' way of describing an AC set-up in terms of power supply available - divide that figure by 0.707 to get an idea of what the peak-to-peak voltage will be, from an insulation point of view. Or just add 50% roughly...
  13. I'm not a fan of cable cars and that sort of thing - I might be spilling a different liquid...
  14. Rotating carriages help over the steepest parts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-42384814
  15. I would have got you this book, but I'm sure you have it already.
  16. It occurs to me that the traffic figures might not fully reflect the actual activity. Particularly with the shorter posts, they can be read on the Latest Posts column and the whole site Marked Read without the thread being 'entered'. I've certainly noticed myself doing that a lot more on the new layout.
  17. Ah, that's how you stay so fresh-faced..
  18. I did keep it - but finding it may take a while - and I'm away for most of the next three weeks.
  19. I may be imagining this, but did @colmflanagan have an article in Railway Modeller about ten years ago, where OO Pullman coaches were modified into an Irish livery?
  20. I suspect it might have been produced for the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations in the US.
  21. Saturday, June the 2nd, for the 2018 exhibition...
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