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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Oh, I thought it was a clue that it was actually going to be a Czech wagon. Mmm, that worked a bit better when I was just saying it to myself....
  2. Excellent! If I had known, you could have told him that the extending ladders that I bought off him a few weeks ago have been very useful already. You were mentioned at the time of the transaction..
  3. Electronic ones are cheap enough these days (often in Lidl/Aldi), and have the option of imperial/metric convertions. I generally use a metric dial one, so I'm not battery dependent, but it does mean committing to one set of units, metric has to be the way to go now.. Vernier, in the true sense of the word, is probably not the way to go - the imperial version particularly, can be difficult to read. Dial, or digital, display is the best for occasional use.
  4. It looks as though the last two numbers in the Slater's thickness code is the thickness in thousandths of an inch. So, 120 sheet is 20 thou, or near enough to 0.5mm thick. http://www.gaugemaster.com/search_results.asp?searchstring=brand~~561~~brand+category~~1236~~category+plasticard&andor=View&searchtitle=Slaters+Plastikard&style=main&method=kws&strType=arch
  5. Ah, right, I wasn't sure where you were. Marks seem to be held in fair regard, though I've only been in there once myself.
  6. You might do well to get somebody to have a look at it.
  7. That was on a GB Facebook page a few days ago, it seemed to get largely ignored when it was suggested that it might be to the West..
  8. Before you open it up, you can check the resistance between wheels on opposite sides, to see it you have actually a circuit through the loco. If you do, then you could also see if the forward/reverse switch on the controller causes the loco to move just a little in each direction - this would imply an obstruction in one of the bogie gearboxes (probably).
  9. Looking through all the pictures that come up with an "Ireland" search, there seems to be quite a few that they are unsure of the location of. They might be happy to receive any suggestions from people on here who might recognise any of them.
  10. This is currently on BBC 4 Extra - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0072szv/episodes/player - being audio, it should be available everywhere. One of the best examples of a book reading that I've heard.
  11. If you're relying the 'contact wiper' to make/break the electrical connection, then you can find that they aren't 100% reliable, but they can be made to work better by a little judicious bending with a small screwdriver, so that they make better contact with the fixed rails as the position changes.
  12. Do you actually mean 'shorting' or are you just losing connection?
  13. It's no wonder the Guards fly the helicopter round you all day....
  14. Aden cannon shells turn up at the boot sale here and make a handy paperweight.
  15. The three in the middle at the bottom are distinctly lighter. How many shades of grey were there? And sixteen is unusual, fifteen was the standard pile.
  16. He's even got the moustache...
  17. It's not him - Bubba wouldn't let him in.
  18. I know, "To je Škoda", as the Czechs say.
  19. Should be on an Opel, that it would be a fully GM machine...
  20. Whoops, coping saws I meant - sometimes I just can't cope...
  21. There are fretsaws about, intended largely for wood, mostly taking pin-ended blades.
  22. It can be worth getting a saw with an adjustable frame, then broken blades can still be used.
  23. They do turn up - as offices computerised, I got two free ones and another tall one for £25 last year.
  24. They should be coming over here - I shall keep my detectors handy.
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