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Paul 34F

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Everything posted by Paul 34F

  1. Looking at an enlarged version of the turntable, you can make out the Lock Latch at the end of the table. Also, there is point rodding running back from the lever frame along the platform wall in the direction of the Signalbox. I suspect the Lever also interlocked with the Signalling to confirm the table was in the correct position prior to clearing the Home Signal for an arriving passenger train. Paul
  2. Angus, You’ve got a lot further than I ever managed. I had built a chassis for a GNRI Class A 0-6-0, but I couldn’t get it quite level and then I started to need glasses and lost interest. I’m now fiddling around in S scale instead. If you’d like the wheels and other bits I acquired your more than welcome to have them. Paul
  3. Looking at this last photo, I would estimate the Hopper Vent window is 2/3rds the depth of the Sliding windows. Hope this helps Paul
  4. David, Lovely work, “Shannon” has another 50 years of running ahead of her now. Paul
  5. Nice to see the Railcars on the move. I last saw them at the Doncaster Show. Here’s to more video’s Paul
  6. Here is the picture. Hopefully copyright isn’t infringed. Paul
  7. Good morning, I believe the model you are seeking was built by David Lloyd, who was the first editor of Continental Modeller magazine, published by Peco. There is a picture of the locomotive on page 60 of “The Modeller Book of Narrow Gauge”, published in 1986. The caption says David built the 4-8-0 in 1960, then it passed to Michael Taylor, but in 1986 she resides in the L&LSR Boardroom. It would be nice to see some up to date photos if she can be located. Paul
  8. Spot on David. I enjoyed your article on building wagons. Going to give it a go myself Paul 4475
  9. Mike, David mentioned you were going to be at Doncaster on the Sunday. It is a pity we missed each other. However, I'll have to pay a visit to the Sleaford club sometime soon. Thank you for your comments re the photo's. Not bad for an iphone6. It is a fascinating layout and more than justified the trip to the show. Paul
  10. Dear All, I had the pleasure of meeting David on Saturday at Doncaster Racecourse. Arigna is impressive in the photo's, but it is just as good in the flesh. Despite the obvious simplicity of the track layout, it is obvious that the Operator can get quite absorbed in operating the station, especially with eight different trains (including railcar's) to run. Any errors were down to distraction on my part! Anyway, here's some of my pictures from my phone. Paul 34F
  11. David, Apologies for not writing sooner. I've been laid low with a bad head cold. Thank you for your explanation on using the DAS clay. The PVA is probably the key to the cracking problem. The layout is starting to look like a classic already. The scenery is very impressive. Paul 34F
  12. David, Looking forward to seeing Arigna and yourself at Doncaster on Saturday. Have a good journey Paul 34F
  13. David, The loco shed looks impressive. How do you stop the Clay drying out to quick and cracking? Paul 34F
  14. This looks promising. I've been looking at obtaining a Cutting machine, but didn't know about the Cricut. Time for some research, I think! Keep the pictures coming please. Paul 34F
  15. David, Thank you for posting your preserved article on Castle Rackrent. I have never managed to catch up with it in the original format. I've seen articles on the expansion. Mr Chown's bridges are extraordinary and very slightly intimidating. I've no hope of making anything in that manner. Paul
  16. David, This layout is developing nicely. Just reminds me that I need to focus more on my own project, but that seems to be very slow going. Must be all the other things I have to do first. Is the structure between the Loco shed road and the platform to be a water tower? At the moment in seems to restrict a view into the shed. I was just thinking that the area between the turntable and the front of the shed is a great place to park a locomotive whilst the crew enjoy their break. Paul
  17. David, looking good. Very inspirational Paul
  18. David, Looks like I will be making a trip to Doncaster in February. The nearest show to my current location. All the best for Manchester Paul
  19. I would just like to say, I have read this thread throughout in the last few days and I'm so inspired I had to join the site. A fantastic representation of an Irish back water. I hope to catch up with the layout and Mr Holman sometime in 2017. Now to look up the workshop articles. Paul 34F p.s. Mike 84C will be pleased to know that I'm finally on here. I must arrange to meet you again.
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