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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Something worth noting if you are planning on using Wills Red Brick headers over arches. Although Omagh had three brick headers over all arch openings, Wills brick headers appear to be over-sized and look out of place. Acting quickly before my adhesive totally set, I removed these headers and reduced them to two brick headers, as can be seen below.
  2. Some brick openings and quoins added this morning.....
  3. Thanks Patrick, really enjoying this build. It's a modular 3 piece build. Today I primed the roof as I want to start some work on this early next week. What's the best finish available for corrugated asbestos roof? Is Slaters too thin or is Wills better thickness?
  4. The really sad thing is that every hour, of every day, of every week Bus no. 273 leaves Belfast via Dungannon and Omagh to Derry and every hour, of every day, of every week another bus leaves Derry on the same route to Belfast. Every Sunday evening five double decker buses packed with students leave Omagh alone for Belfast.
  5. Thanks Banntry, something l picked up from my fellow modellers on this forum, probably David Holman, genius of our time. And progress continues today.....
  6. Jason, thanks. It's a slow process as I have so many factors to consider. The use of a scroll saw really helps.
  7. More stonework in place today, switched from UHU glue to Evostik impact adhesive and got better bond, thanks to Warbs advice.
  8. Started covering my goods store with Wills Scenic Sheets, going well and disguising any of my joints with Das modelling clay
  9. David, I am referring to the built blockwork to the left.
  10. The blockwork on the left side of picture......
  11. A section of Omagh Goods Store was built with block on the flat, which measures 440mm x 105mm. Any ideas on what I could use in Plasticard? In 4mm scale this would be approx 6mm x 1.5mm...... is 7mm scale brickwork close?
  12. Called into 'The Station Centre' yesterday and photographed the rear of the Goods Store that remains and took some pics to get detail of colour and finish.
  13. Initial plans to use DAS modelling clay have changed last minute after buying a pack and using it on a scrap of ply. I've settled for Slaters Random stone as i don't want to learn a new skill, I've plenty of experience with plasticard.
  14. Goods Yard Store now complete and glued up. It comes together in three sections that connect on the baseboard top. Ready for final finish in the coming days.
  15. When your grand daughter invites you to nursery for their 'stay and play' programme it's not hard to get creative with coloured paper, scissors and PVA.
  16. Going up to the rear walls of the Goods Store that still remain to photograph the stone detail and get some idea of colour........
  17. Jason, I really didn't mean it, the way it came out. Of course it would work but this building is really big, and this would involve a lot of scribing. I don't know if I would have the patience and certainly not the eyesight at close quarter. I might just order some and try a bit on scrap ply. PS. Just ordered some to try
  18. Started to slow task of cutting out roof lights with my scroll saw, front roof complete and have to cut rear roof section. I'm considering the Slaters Embossed plasticard because I can conceal the corners with Wills Quoins. It also makes it easier to use brick arches also by Wills. The modelling clay is probably a great idea but not in 4mm. Had to move one of the roof purlins and reposition the roof covering to bring the lower sky lights further up the roof slope. I added pitched gables to the rear wall where the roof of the UTA garage was situated. This will become a low-relief wall to hide my controller and switches. The project is starting to really form the basis for a great model.
  19. Anyone offer me some advice on achieving the finish I need on this build. I bought both Slaters embossed and Wills. The Wills sheeting is too thick so looks like the Slaters will have to do. Clues on paint finish and colour? Any thoughts.....
  20. and this is how the real thing looked......
  21. Just spent a few hours with my old friend Joe McGrew and shunter at Omagh who was able to verify the development of my Good Store building to date. He was able to give me a rundown of the various sidings that occupied the store, the platforms, the goods that arrived and the personnel who worked there.
  22. Roof on, skylights to be cut out yet....
  23. Good question Stephen. The plan is to build a working model of the entire Goods Yard. You may think it strange that I work on the building first and not the track work but I want to see how the footprint fits into available space and lay track once I know how everything sits. So far, it is looking very promising. I may be able to work the project in two sections with a max board width of around 600mm-700mm. I am working between the original GNR(i) engineers drawings from 1930s and dozens of photographs which show the various alterations to the original track laying. Its interesting to see that in latter years a diamond crossing at the cattle siding disappeared and a Y point emerging out of the goods store was removed and replace with a single line of track. I want to capture everything, as it was. Thanks.
  24. More Progress today.......the shell of Omagh Goods Store built as per GNR(i) engineering drawings from Dundalk works and amendments as was up to closure.
  25. I may use the high retaining walls at the rear of the building to conceal my controller and possible access to the siding that runs into the shed. These openings are now formed. There are a few possibilities........
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