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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. S4 Society News - Journal of the S4 Society (A4 size-cloud-glossy) First person to PM Issues Feb 2017 - May 2017 - July 2017 - Sept 2017 Dec 2017 - Feb 2018 all like new. £10 Total
  2. Finally completed the baseboards and roadway leading to the place where Scotts drew loose grain below the track level in Omagh. I also fashioned the approach to the cattle dock. Awaiting some plaster bandage now, all track just sitting loosely.......
  3. Would anyone know the 4mm scale size of a standard UTA or similar double-decker bus? I need this to establish the height of a retaining wall I am working on?
  4. Here is the final part of my baseboards that I wanted to include. Its the raised roadway above and behind the Goods Store. Traffic came in from the road above and drove downhill to the rear of the track work. Here there was access for Scotts Excelsior to reverse their lorries into position and take off meal from wagons above. In early days this was loose grain and in latter years bagged grain and meal was taken off closed vans and loaded onto lorries below. Big question - 3mm cork or not? I have it already in storage.....
  5. Posting removed due to errors in promotional flyer - will repost when corrected
  6. Noel, John and David - these are excellent examples and I am much the wiser for it. Doing it this way gives more depth to the layout.You will start to understand why I have had so many false starts- I've learned the hard way and just got up and started again. I think I need to complete the back scene before I start my embankments as I have some embankments against the back scene.
  7. Whats the best method of forming an embankment between two levels of ply? I like the look of the paris plaster rolls - whats your choice?
  8. Cut my plywood baseboards this afternoon to form my embankment along the North Cabin. In this very area my grandfather had a nissan hut which was his permanent way store, he was the foreman ganger. Beside him was the Carpenters store which was occupied by Billy Caldwell. Joe McGrew, the shunter had names for all the sidings - and he still remembers how many wagons they could hold - Middle Road (42) - Convent Siding (16) - Cattle Beach (19) - Down Road (18) - Up Straight 12) - Outside Road (12) - Derry Siding (26) - The Gullet (20)
  9. John, post 1955 that gable was removed after strong winds lifted the roof. The gable was lowered considerably and re-covered in corrugated sheets
  10. David, I have sliced the footprint diagonally to save space and it's still huge. I'll keep my thinking cap on.......
  11. Working from the original GNRi Engineers drawings of Omagh, the Goods Yard building has a 4mm scale footprint of 760mm x 280mm. Thats a lot of building on a small layout. I am sure its quite acceptable to use some modellers licence to make it work better.
  12. I have to take my hat off to everyone flying the flag at Warley for the sake of Irish Railway Modelling. Thank you for the superb selection of photographs and reviews of the layouts on display. For me, it is David Holman and Andy Cundicks modelling skill that inspires me to go on.
  13. I don't think you meant anything but I did interpret the post as being blunt. No harm done.
  14. The tone of this comment has meant I haven't posted until today.
  15. Garfield, I'll try that, thanks
  16. To be honest, I am alarmed that every time I do a 'google' on subjects relating to 'Omagh' or 'GNRi' this forum and my postings come up. I'm not happy with the lack of privacy.
  17. I was there from 10.30am -12.30 taking the train out from belfast. Stayed in the Hilton last night, still not home.
  18. From another post you may have read that I was in possession of the 1910 photo album that featured the original shot above and many more that I shared with Charles. Included pictures if troops leaving Omagh station for the battle lines of WW1, jammed into carriages like sardines.
  19. JB, I'm so sorry we didn't arrange to meet Tony
  20. It was nice to meet and speak to both Andy and Nelson today in Cultra. Fantastic layouts.
  21. Charles Friel gave a very interesting talk last night on the Irish Ambulance trains. The talk took place to mark the end of WW1 and was held in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church Hall. The event was very well supported and certainly well worth the trip. I would be interested in any photographs anyone would have of any of the movements of these trains and indeed any written information. I provided Charles with pictures of the train arriving in Omagh and would dearly love to see more of its movements around Ireland. Can anyone help?
  22. How can you build such elegant models and watch a game of football at the same time! Pure class.
  23. I'm sorry for only getting back tonight but I've been having the delight of scanning a photo album from 1910-1921 featuring the Norman Holland Collection, a local photographer who managed to capture the railways pre-WW1 and after in Omagh. The album was loaned to me and I scanned at very high-res all that was of interest to me. You can see many of these if you're in Enniskillen this Thursday night, given copies to Charles Friel to use for his talk on the 'Ambulance Trains' of Ireland during the period. Furthermore, here is that much talked about Class G 2-4-0 No.50 at Omagh c. 1910
  24. I'm staying in Belfast on Friday night and attending next day. Hopefully I can say hello to as many IRM members as possible. Change of plan for Friday 9th night - Christy Dignam and Joey Jewel of Aslan acoustic show in Ardhowen, Enniskillen Colm, I spoke to Ian at the show in Methodist College, Belfast earlier in the year and he's a really nice man.
  25. Leslie, I've edited my last post - sorry for confusing the issue
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