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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Brings back memories of a layout I once had in my attic, back in the mid 1980s
  2. Sounds like an exciting layout indeed
  3. Dave, a very nice piece of work there, a clever technique. In my case I have a double track going around the corners of the lift out section and it's not my cup of tea. However, I don't need to do it now, I can think about as it become absolutely necessary. Thanks
  4. Ernie, Makes perfect sense to me. Why would you want to start all that tricky soldering and wiring, especially when its all curves down that end!
  5. Noel, that exactly what i’m doing at the moment and it doesn’t bother me. Another reason why I’m considering leaving it is there are four point there with too much track to be bothered cutting and soldering. Thanks Noel
  6. It’s an amazing layout - the Adavoyle of the 3mm society.
  7. Has anyone here got a layout in a room 'without' a hinged section at the entrance? I'm not that keen on starting to solder track work to copper clad strips and forming a hinged/lift off section. At the moment I'm just ducking under. Its not ideal but forming the lift off section does create problems for back scene also. Anyone got examples or photos of how they done it?
  8. Class bit of work Tommy, making great progress Tony
  9. Noel, you hit it on the head. This layout started with the view to building Omagh and through all the frustration and setbacks with that evolved a layout that is simple, functional and leaves all to the imagination. My aim is a layout with a flavour of the steam era on the Derry Road, where my grandfather was a ganger on the permanent way, starting as a plate layer on 26 Jan 1924 and giving them 43years of service.
  10. Re-arranged the corner at the Goods Store.......
  11. Noel, this is unreal. Next time I'm in Dublin I need to check out this area and see it for myself.
  12. Some pictures today....... Was able to re-arrange the paintwork into the fiddle yard and all is complete at this side. A siding to the back provides storage also. Still some temporary wiring in place until I decide on the best operating side for my controller. I managed to salvage the mock up Goods Store I had and it fits well in this corner. One additional point to add to allow a siding to the rear of the platforms.
  13. Some testing carried out today on completed track work and wiring
  14. Lots to see and get ideas from
  15. Modelling Masterclasd!
  16. This is a new layout that I have started from scratch in my beloved garden shed. It is based on the steam era on the Derry Road and although it has nothing at all that resembles Omagh, it is hoped that it will give have a flavour of GNRi operations there. All track is laid and wired and thanks to two forum members, who were very generous with their spare time, advised me on the design and wiring of the layout - you know who you are! Tomorrow I will fit my turntable well and hopefully start fitting and wiring the point motors. I am pleased with how things are progressing and I promise I will post pictures soon.
  17. John, thanks for taking the time to answer in such a detailed manner. I think I’ll go with the four road fiddle yard to begin with. Since it’s in the non-scenic area of the layout I can add extra pointwork if required at a later stage.
  18. Looks huge, what space do you have?
  19. I have now arrived at a stage where I want to lay track work for a fiddle yard. Are there any rights or wrongs about yards and is there is simple set up I could use with surplus points that I have accumulated?
  20. It is awful!
  21. Took a trip to Whitehead today on a return out of Belfast. The ladies were shopping and I decided just to sit and relax by rail.
  22. Having spent several weeks in the 'shed' I'm amazed as to how many problems arise when trying to work a decent run around layout into a 10x6 size shed layout. Sure has tested me.
  23. Tramway linked the line from Castlederg to Victoria Bridge. The station was own by GNRi.
  24. Spotted this when driving through Victoria Bridge yesterday, a remnant of the Castlederg and Victoria Bridge Railway.
  25. Funny you should suggest making the lower end single line. I have considered this because when trains left omagh, they disappeared under road bridges emerging as single track only.
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