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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Thanks, I did this soon after soldering the track. I was able to run locos in short sections but now much carry out the full wiring task to get all up and running
  2. 52 droppers now in place ready to be soldered. Lots of patience needed!
  3. Sometimes I have to question advice I get. I bought a 52 tpi razor saw and was able to cut the track so neat and safely without any big 'gap' that a disc cutter would leave. Cost £12 but it was really well spent.
  4. Thanks Jonathan, It annoys me to no end that I never ever did manage to build a full working layout of Omagh. It got to the point where my growing family were more important and soon after this I simply lost interest in modelling.
  5. Found this N-gauge model in my home house, I started in 1992 in N-gauge of Omagh but never progressed beyond two baseboards. Back in the day, there was no internet, no forums and you were totally on your own. Still looks good, I gave it to my eldest son to try and get him interested in the hobby.
  6. A wonderful addition to your collection, treasure it.
  7. David, mastering CAD is a process, like everything else. You'd be surprised how much you can learn by simply trying. I wouldn't say I am an expert but I have used it, in many forms for years and work in both 2d and 3d. I haven't used it much recently but in the past have used it do design 3d roofing models for students training for our Carpentry skills competitions, in the UK, Europe and at World Level.
  8. A lovely bit of work Noel
  9. Ken, I thank you for your comments and advice. Believe it or not but I ordered the Wills SS55 set on Monday and was going to base my opening on the nearest possible arches to 48mm wide by 62mm high - not too far away from yours! The photo on the other hand comes from my hometown Omagh, and it was sited just 5minutes walk from here. It has sadly been tumbled and replaced by the Omagh Station Centre, a community facility for the youth in town. The architects did however salvage a lot of stone and red brick to form beautiful arches inside the foyer and all round the site. Part of it still remains at the rear which I use for matching colours. I took the photo below in 1992 before it was knocked down. Thanks Tony
  10. Just wondering if anyone has modelled similar buildings and could offer me approx dimension for width and height of openings in 4mm for a loco to pass through, as in the picture below.
  11. At last, something positive is happening. Although I refer to this small shunting layout at Omagh, its really takes its name from the shunting operations there. The track work is similar in many ways to the Good Store and Omagh and the large Goods building will be modelled in time. The layout measures 4.2m in length with a baseboard width of 450. Each baseboard module is 650mm long and this was deliberate for two reasons. I didn't want to start crawling underneath to wire it so each module can be wired separately by simply unclipping it and turning it up on its edge. The other reason is that I may decide, somewhere along the line to exhibit although it won't happen for some time. To the opposite end of the Goods Store and yard will be Omagh's other goods department, the Market Branch. I'm waiting approval to go onto the property of Dunnes Stores to measure the Goods Store there, it is preserved in the car park there and its best to get permission. It is also pictured below. I'm waiting on the arrival of an extra fine razor saw to cut the track joints and start wiring this week. Hope you like it.
  12. Noel, no problem - tomorrow!
  13. Track laid and soldered, first loco tests look promising. Once I have cut the track work over the baseboard joints, I will be able to wire the isolated sections, wire my switches and the layout then comes to life.
  14. Fran, I do understand where you're coming from. I've little or no interest in hoppers or bubbles but I bought a pack of three hoppers to 'support the fantastic work that IRM do'. I'll gladly run them on my small shunting layout alongside Leslies GNRi wagons and my scratch built stock. Would it not make sense then to produce some GNRi wagons under the 'accurascale' banner - after all the English market is full of Irish modellers too!
  15. I asked this same question a couple of months ago. Why don't you make three times as many IRM wagons and keep the cost down?
  16. Noel, i'll try again with a different disc. Whats the maximum gap I can allow in my track?
  17. Well I suppose thats ok as an afterthought, I've everything position, pinned, soldered and ready to cut. I'll get my hands on a razor saw, thanks anyway.
  18. Although I found the disc cutting tool great for cutting copper clad strip to length, I really think its not a good idea to use it to cut track at baseboard joints. I soldered all my track today to the copper clad strip and tried cutting a piece of scrap track with the disc cutter. I thought, even with the finest of discs, it takes too much out of the track - and would mean obvious large gaps in the track. I think i'll revert to the good old razor saw!
  19. David, As always an amazing addition to a great layout.
  20. Stephen, I know, you are correct. I wouldn't pay over the odds - I quickly learned that modelling Irish comes with a hefty price tag. I'd rather spend the money on Leslie's kits even if they were pulled by any old 0-6-0.
  21. A fresh appeal to anyone considering selling an unwanted OO Works UG class 0-6-0. I’m happy to pay up to £300 for a mint/boxed loco.
  22. After speaking to a few modellers at Bangor, who gave me some insight into soldering, I got my game back on track and started lifting the brass screws at my baseboard joints and opted for copper clad strips. Its the first time I ever soldered so hopefully I will only improve. Even though its not the biggest layout its modular nature means a lot of track work joints.
  23. Well said Leslie
  24. I met two very interesting guys while having a coffee, both with layouts in their attic. One of them modelling Lisburn. Both men gave me oodles of very interesting info on soldering track and droppers and even took me to Squires' table and helped me choose both soldering iron, flux and solder. One was tall, slim grey haired man, the other smaller. I wish I had have asked them their names but they were a real help, whoever they were. Interestingly, both were wearing light blue polo shirts so perhaps they were from a club?
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