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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Thank you for sharing this delightful layout with us, despite the hard work I am sure you are pleased with your presentation. I really liked the turntable. Is it a Dapol or South Eastern Finecast, it looks just like the turntable at Omagh - i'll be picking your brains.
  2. Charles Friel tells me that GNRi Q No. 131 is working a day trip around Belfast on Tuesday 15th May though she will also be out and about before that.
  3. Would have loved to have gone over but I have a prior trip planned for Glasgow in March, and couldn't do both. Sorry I missed it because I love every chance to get to Glasgow. Any pictures of your layout David?
  4. Excellent work, keep us posted
  5. Wills Scenics every time, as John has already said, no supporting framework required.
  6. Very rare event on Friday morning as the Derry train I was on came to a halt just before it approached the rear of Derry City airport. The driver announced that there was an incoming plane due any moment. Moments later a single private plane came in from the Donegal direction and skimmed just above the lines to land inside the airport perimeter. Obviously NIR were taking no chances as it was quite blustery and the small plane was quite low. One regular passenger said he never seen anything like this happen before.
  7. I'm going off IRM forum for lent!
  8. Patrick, some very interesting suggestion there, I thank you - they are appreciated! The thread, I believe has exhausted itself and is now closed.
  9. I have to concede to the fact that this layout is not working and I am putting a complete halt to it. Today I dismantled some of the sections that were added to try to salvage the layout but it didn't work. I'm going to sit back and think it through again and return when I'm ready. Feels like I've been caught up in a vicious circle of spending for no reason. I've decided that when I'm ready I will be using one side of the shed as my workshop and the other as a small layout, similar to Arigna Town - limited track work and points but with much detail and stock. This layout is one of the most inspiring I've ever seen.
  10. Cutting wills sheets with a craft knife can be very dangerous. I’ve had one or two very deep cuts after blades slipped!
  11. Leo Flanagan told me his dad was the ganger and on the morning of the tragedy he was told that someone important was visiting the station and he was instructed to make sure the lines were spotless. After this incident a whistle was sounded at either end of the station from the signal cabins in heavy fog as trains approached. As a clarinet player with St.Eugenes Brass and Reed Band, my dad remembers that they led the five coffins to the cemetery playing the death march.
  12. One of the biggest tragedies in the GNRi history, and one that seems to be missed from many books. In 1950 five GNRi permanent way men were killed at Omagh after stepping into the path of an incoming Derry train in heavy fog. These cuttings were given to me last week by Leo Flanagan, who's father Charlie was one of the five killed. Leo was just six months old when he lost his father.
  13. Just bought this mint/un-used Bachmann 0-6-0 from eBay at a bargain price £68. Its my second 0-6-0 to buy and this will also keep my goods yard occupied in the absence of a UG class loco at Omagh. Would consider some conversion possibilities at a later stage but for now, I like it, its fine.
  14. This and the footbridge plans are excellent resources. They are in the same drawing style as one I've seen of Omagh North Cabin.
  15. Noel, thanks for a very detailed approach to track laying. I used wire in tube point control last time which was fine but it may consider some sort of electronic control this time. Do you use Peco? thanks for posting.
  16. Might seem like a daft question but I often wondered what protocol do modellers follow when track laying. I'm sure when railway engineers design stations and systems there are certain design features that they employ. I'm sure the same applies to laying model track work to ensure that locos can move around freely. Am I thinking too deep?
  17. Dave, thank you for a bit of advice from the 'man of experience' - cheers.
  18. David, I have a fiddle yard to turntable. The fiddle yard starts after the line leaves Omagh for Derry under the bridge at the North end and the turntable is at the opposite end with the double engine shed and siding. This weekend I am going to take a good lock at options here and see what I can come up with, even if it means a bit of extra work, thanks for 'pushing me' that little bit forward.
  19. John and Broth, I really am overwhelmed by your efforts to find a solution but I should explain that I want to keep it simple, within reason and not turn the entire shed into something resembling a Scalextric set. As much as I admire your efforts, railways ran from A to B. I have many ideas teased out and just this morning started marking out another possibility. All the time in the world to plan and tweak, until its time to start laying track. Thank you again.
  20. Patrick, so well done. Its always nice to see windows done with some feeling of depth in the timbers and glazing. I take my hat off to your patience and skill.
  21. Looks great Paul, you have plenty of room to play around with. I’ll be watching your progress!
  22. As this layout has developed I have been able to tease ideas out and chew them over. Although it may appear that I haven’t a clue, in actual fact I’m building up a mental picture of what I want. As it changes and I grow more confident, I sense that soon I’ll be up and running.
  23. Gerry, I tend to agree and furthermore, it is a steam era goods layout. I don't think theres any pleasure in dragging various goods trains round and round either. It would be more realistic shunting them around the Goods Yard and sidings.
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