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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Is it essential to have a complete circuit on a layout or is end-to-end acceptable. Having almost completed the marking out of my layout, I feel the circuit/run-around is a little artificial and non-prototypical. I know this is possibly because the shed isn't the biggest in the world but I tend to prefer the look of it in end-to-end fashion. I wonder if theres anyone else running end-to-end, as I'd like to hear their views. End to end gives me 6.4metres in running length.
  2. Good point Paul, I will reverse that point crossover. To be honest the other line is the mainline, I’m considering a few changes to allow an inner circuit to run continually while shunting can go on in the goods yard.
  3. Code 75 Flexi track arrived today from TrackShack. Ordered Saturday, arrived safely in large card tube packed with foam. Well Done TrackShack.
  4. Good point Paul, i'd imagine the foam would perish. Might just paint the birch ply grey before I start laying track.
  5. And the progress continues......... Goods Yard (Top Right) - sidings (centre) - mainline out to fiddle yard (bottom) - station area (Top right) - single line circuit (coming off Y-point, bottom - this will allow trains to cross the flap across the entrance to shed. Can the experience men advise me if my point arrangements are ok and if they see and trouble ahead? In the foreground of this view I may make changes to the track arrangement so the inner circuit is clear of the shunting pointwork.
  6. I have always turned my nose up at foam underlay of any description but I have observed it being used on many layouts here and it doesn't look too bad. Is it really intended to be an alternative to ballast?
  7. I've just started spending quite a bit on 00 gauge trackwork and stock and this is where I will rest my case.
  8. Yes, Paul, my order from Track Shack was placed on line Saturday. They sent an email Monday afternoon to say it was dispatched!
  9. It has taken 3 months to get to this point, I am in no hurry!
  10. The tank was amazingly belying detailed, I’d like one too
  11. I don’t want to post photographs until l have track laid, I have a lot of points to buy - they are expensive. In the meantime, here’s a pic from last week when I started setting out my centre lines using handmade ply curves.
  12. I seen a great tutorial today on youTube where a guy modelled a turntable out of a 'lazy susan' centre piece. It looked fab. Gave me lots of ideas..........
  13. Paul, believe me it's not worth a photo yet. I want to get things right. I'm very tempted to abandon my turntable as its really causing havoc in the corner I want it. I have my sidings all marked out and goods yard, the main station area is sorted and I'm heading out into some countryside now. Bridges, cattle creeps and fields. A nice contrast of a busy goods yard and country crossings. It's all in my mind at the moment and theres a delivery of track of the way. Thanks for your patience and interest.
  14. I think this little building is one of the best I've seen in years. Full of detail, imagination and realism. Looks just like a Bachmann kit. Class.
  15. Some amazing detail in the layout, it gives me tons of inspiration.
  16. Jonathan, I know you have mentioned three-way points several times in the past but last night I was looking very closely at an ordnance survey map of Omagh GNRi station and noticed what could be described as a three way point entering the goods yard. I didn't pay much attention to it until today when I was finishing the setting out of the goods yard area and was stuck trying to fit two sidings into the goods yard and maintain the mainline. It then struck me that I could use the three way point here, and I did - an asymmetric 3 way point.
  17. Really amazing what you did here back then. Like you john, I was building layouts with little or no help, internet forum support or advice. I take my hat off to you. N gauge really is challenging now - even more so, then.
  18. I presume to mean two bell cranks to bring the throw of the point from its source to the lower baseboard frame?
  19. What was going to be Omagh will more than likely be a ‘flavour of Omagh’. I think less track crammed into a small baseboard is the best way to go.
  20. Popeye, you're welcome! I just hadn't the time, I did the other with Photoshop but just posted the last two straight from the scan of the slide. When I started taking photographs seriously in the mid 1980s, I used two Rolleiflex cameras for all my B&W work and a Nikon FM2 for colour slides.
  21. Ordered 12xlengths of Peco Code 75 streamline flexi this morning to get started again in earnest. Until I find a much desired UG Class 0-6-0 this Un-used and Boxed Airfix 4F 0-6-0 loco will keep me occupied - not bad for £35.
  22. If I raise my trackbed to form an embankment, does this rule out the use of wire and tube manual point control since the embankments are facing me and I need to control them from the same side. Do I have to use point motors in that case?
  23. David, I have just ordered 12 lengths of Code 75 00 from TrackShack and their on line system allowed me to place my order with a postage charge of £4. If they can do it at this sort of price, I'm pleased with this. I bought this to get started and when I've taken a measurement of how much more I need, I'll be in Glasgow around 15th March so can find a shop there myself. Thanks.
  24. Noel, Looks pretty close to what I'm trying to achieve. Whats the overall width of that section of track? David, If I went for Code 75 it means an £8 courier charge for boxes for flexi. I can get Code 100 locally. I used it in the past and never had any issues with it.
  25. Noel, it wasn't that Peco needs more space, it is the availability of pointwork. On smooth flowing curves I found it hard to find a point to give me the sidings or crossover I required. So at every instance I had to compromise the curve slightly. I do agree totally with the argument here on 21mm vs. 00 - maybe I'm only day dreaming, again.
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