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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Does anyone know if Jamie Mitchell is a member or visits this forum? A PM would be appreciated
  2. I have had to compromise some space in the new shed. Lawnmower, tools, bicycle and workshop table. Do I need another shed? (Joke) Looking at the space available to comfortably have everything combined under one roof, it looks like either a 00 L-shape giving me about 2.5metres and 1.6metres lengths of running track combined to make a 4.1metre end-to-end 00 layout. Otherwise its an N-gauge continuous double rail loop giving me endless hours of fun that can be built in sections and possibly brought to exhibitions?
  3. Photos now spoken for
  4. I have TEN small original b&w photographs (not modern day scans) of U-Class and Vs-class locos at Dundalk from 1950s. No interest to me. First person who PMs me gets them, they measure 85mm x 60mm. So nice.
  5. I'm fitting two 9x3 vents to either gable today, so that will also help. When I'm in the shed I usually have the door open all the time!
  6. Last night the electrician installed an armoured cable and connected the 'Dundalk Works' up to the power supply so I now have light and sockets. Today I started finishing the ceiling and laying nice 32 x 9mm redwood slips over all screw heads on the uprights, gives a sort of 'panel effect'. Things are progressing, I do a bit everyday, that way you enjoy it more!
  7. Yeah, I see where you're coming from. The Goods Yard measures about 1700mm when scaled, out to the first exit point of the yard. This would allow only shunting, to allow any decent trains running I would have to take certain aspects of the Omagh track plan and use modellers licence to create free movement. I'm considering something more freelance with aspects of Omagh because its an impossible shape on plan. The attached is Omagh passenger station with Goods Yard
  8. Am I missing the point?
  9. Glenderg, as my posting suggests, the thread is simply teasing out the possibilities. Eyesight may not be able to cope with N - it's hard enough to put the single lever braking lever on a GN wagon! To replicate the Goods Yard at Omagh in 4mm scale alone, would require a space of 1700mm long.
  10. WrennEire, You're a tease boy!
  11. I'm at a point where my new shed is nearing completion. External landscaping and internal second fixing almost complete. Before I start thinking any more about layout scheme I wanted to check out the viability of N gauge in Irish. I was highly impressed with Gerry Byrne's 'Llangollen' at Enniskillen but does it work with Irish layouts? I'm not debating the track dimensions, purely space available.
  12. Dave, my first layout was in an attic with little or no insulation. It was fun. Sometimes we get very protective of our hobbies and interests, on this occasion all the advice received was valid however theres always a cut off point when it comes to most things.
  13. John, I welcome your message and am only too glad that it arrived before I started any further work. My father was a Carpenter all his life and believe it or not, I am also a Carpenter who teaches in our local College. Now anyone reading the recent posts may think that it's time I hung up my boots and retired from teaching if thats the sort of questions I am firing out to a modelling forum. However, recently the country has gone mad on 'air-tightness', 'super-insulated', 'passive housing' and 'thermal bridging'. Whatever happened to good air circulation around a building? My fear is that introducing polythene barriers will promote sweating and more moisture and although Eoin is correct to direct me towards architects details on the matter, these details are fine in housing but not necessary in small garden shed. I'm in two minds about the vapour barrier but I will certainly insulated the roof.
  14. Eoin, lets get this correct once and for all. Tomorrow I go down to the builders yard and get heavy roll of polythene damp course sheeting. Remove the Sterling board and tack the polythene to the inner walls of the shed. Replace the sterling board. Then insulate the roof, cover the inside with polythene and replace the Sterling board? Is this correct. I take it the Polyethylene barrier you refer to is similar to heavy gauge builders polythene sheet on a roll?
  15. Eoin, the roof has no insulation at all. It is made up of four trusses, a breathable roofing felt and PVC corrugated tin on top. I have counter-battened the underside of the rafters and collar tie to give me sufficient grounds to screw 12mm smartply directly to the battens.
  16. Eoin, the roof has a breathable barrier on the outside under the PVC coated tin. Its the only part with a barrier. So go ahead and do walls? There will be no kettles, radiators or otherwise.
  17. Eoin and Broithe, thanks. I cannot fit a vapour barrier on the outside skin as the shed came sheeted. I put insulation into the studs and sheeted the inside with Smartply. Should I remove the ply and fit a barrier to the inside skin? Is there any point at this stage. I will be putting a vent at either gable end of the shed tomorrow and as you can imagine, shed doors are never totally airtight.
  18. I was hoping to get some feedback on modellers who are currently working in garden sheds, whether modelling or storing layouts. As you know I have a new shed in place and just yesterday someone suggested that since I don't have a vapour barrier on the outer shed framing I would get mould and dampness inside my shed cavity. Basically, the shed is high quality tongue and grooved boards on a 3" framework. The roof is felted over the timber rafters and PVC coated corrugated tin on top. I have filled the void in the walls with Rockwool insulation and sheeted the inside with Smartply. Has anyone with experience or knowledge in a similar situation got any comments to add on whether I will have problems further down the road. Please. Thanks
  19. I'll be drinking double 0
  20. Shed walls now clad with 12mm SmartPly. Ceiling to be completed yet but waiting for electrcian to call and advise.
  21. I think it's time we had an Irish Railway Modellers Badge so when we go to shows we are easily identified.
  22. Thanks Leslie, I agree, the older, used variety are more collectable. A dealer in Co. Down told me he bought thousands of them at an auction for next to nothing. He was selling them off at 99p each
  23. Just back from Enniskillen, congrats to everyone involved. I was blown away by Llangollen - it was a truly amazing Layout. It gave me fresh ideas on what N is capable of. I voted accordingly. Thanks Gerry for your advice. I also met Wrenneire which was nice. So sorry that i missed a couple of others whom i was told were there - Kirley and Andy Cundick.
  24. David, fascinated by this layout. Furthermore, I was looking in an old box of railway photos and found some that may interest you. Ballinamore to Arigna train at Cornabrone 1954 Lissadell 0-6-4T lying derelict at Manorhamilton 1954 Ballinamore 1954 with Arigna train and Dromod train in station 1954 Theres a few others, some really amazing shots. They are all detailed on the back in pencil by the photographer and printed on beautiful Ilford paper. I would be delighted to give them to you if you PM your home address.
  25. BBC Radio broadcast special show from Enniskillen this morning http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b096gpzm#play
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