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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Got a quiet spot this morning to start cutting the legs for my baseboards on the panel saw. I’m taking the unusual step of making the baseboards before the actual track plan. It means I can work with the available space and set limits of layout size and work space in the shed.
  2. Heres the same bread container and conflat with the BR brake lever removed and replaced with a white metal single brake lever.
  3. Hi Gerry,

    I'm thinking seriously about N-gauge now that I have my shed organised.

    Are there any Irish RTR models available at all?




    1. Irishrailwayman


      No rtr Irish that I am aware of but Shapeways do produce the bodies for 141/181/A/C/071/201 locomotives. These would need to be prepared, painted, decals added and fitted with an appropriate Graham Farish motorised chassis. Studio Scale Models do the 2mm CIE transfers. Many UK outline wagons could be repainted and passenger carriages (MK2/3) from GF fitted with vinyl sides to give a variety of Irish liveries. Building kits from Alphagraphix could colour photocopied at 50% reduction and cut out to give Irish buildings. In 2 mm not every detail needs to be perfect but the overall result would be well worth the effort!

  4. GNRi1959

    IRM Tours

    JB, I would probably wait until there something to see first! Today sees the finish of the landscaping around the shed while inside I have started to scratch build my wagons. I'm in no hurry to either build baseboards yet or lay track, that come in January I think.
  5. GNRi1959

    IRM Tours

    If you’re ever in the Omagh area anyone on this forum is welcome to visit for a cup if tea and tour of the new garden shed, home of everything Irish GNRi.
  6. Dare I say it but when architect Albert Speer modelled all the great German buildings in Germany for Hitler, they were displayed at eye level. Its gives great perspective and a better illusion of realism.
  7. Leslie, I have a Halfords Grey Primer at the ready. The samples attached were hand painted last year when I was working indoors. I'm now located outside in the new shed and just slowly getting the shed organised. These were sprayed with a matt acrylic varnish to seal the Railtec transfers but I'm not sure if its the correct spray for this job as it seems to coat everything with a fine grey mist. They will please me until I start scratch building in earnest!If there is anything obviously wrong do let me know please.
  8. Leslie, I have a few Dapol and Bachmann conflats that I bought up last year to go with your excellent bread containers. These are fine in the meantime, I would ideally like to scratchbuild a few also. Can I ask what paints/colour do you use on your containers (Colour catalogue numbers would be good)
  9. Are GN and UTA bread container conflats painted brown or grey? I have a selection of photos but only one that is in colour and it looks brown? Can anyone sdd to this?
  10. Having just started applying the GN letters and numbers to a few container flats for my bread containers in 4mm scale, I don't imagine how i'd ever accomplish this is N. The journey continues in 00gauge.
  11. What a beautiful day today, I took the train from Derry to Coleraine and just sat back and enjoyed the journey. I closed my eyes a few times and thought, I should have left from Omagh.
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  12. Ian, looks great so far - I presume thats a hinged section next the door on the left! It must be an exciting time for you, I just haven't got to baseboard building yet. I've got the luxury of the skills to do this myself including access to all the machinery but I just need to nail down a layout design that pleases me first. On this happy note, I wish you many happy track-laying hours and fun ahead.
  13. RichL, I've no plans to build this as it would be impossible to do as an individual. I am however extracting sections from it for my own home layout and focus on scratch building the entire stock to run on it. The Engine Shed, turntable, section of Goods Yard and several sidings are more than enough for me to cope with alone.
  14. I spent some time taking high-res scans of the original engineers blue print of Omagh that was in Paddy Mallons archives in Dundalk and stitching them together to show the extent of Omagh and how difficult it is as a modelling layout plan. This posted version is low-res, the original is a much larger high-res scan.
  15. In planning a small layout and was wondering how much do I have to pay attention to the standard radius of my curves on corners. If I am working on a circuit do I set it out strictly sticking to the printed dimensions that manufacturers show for 1st-2nd-3rd radius curves using a trammel or do these apply to set track only. Might seem like a daft question but if points have a specific curve radius surely they sit best in that curve also?
  16. Signal Cabin looks class!
  17. Christ, you's are great craic! End of Thread
  18. No casualties in the garden apart from a large broken branch on an older tree, shed still there!
  19. Spent the best of a week using Templot and although its quite daunting at first i am getting to enjoy the feel of the programme. You can import scanned scale drawings into the drawing screen and from there you can actually organise your track over the background imagine. Tonight i finished the Omagh shed and turntable area and was surprised as to how big it was even in n- gauge. The printout gives you a perfect layout plan but be warned, this is not like any other siftware. It will test your patience, it is very intelligent software.
  20. JB, believe me! If I move to N I will open all sorts of possibilities of layouts with trains running long trains full of wagons. If I stick with 00 I can build end-to-end shunting layouts or a layout that runs round my shed like something out of an American Christmas movie. I don't want that. I want a small compact layout, taking in as much of Omagh as possible. I have to build everything in 00, so why not in N. Think about it, I am.
  21. I really am tempted at the moment. There is a growing availability of 4mm Irish kits and RTR, wouldn't it be nice to see some growth in N.
  22. Watch out for flying sheds......
  23. Well actually, I'm paying for it now! I saw her browsing the 'net later in the day, she's looking at our next Cruise destination, St. Petersburg. I told her 'Don't worry about the storage box, i'll pay for it, if you're paying for the cruise'!
  24. I appreciate your prayers lads but please save them for the countless of homeless people around Ireland today who don't have the luxury. I was in Dublin a few weeks back for the Albert Hammond concert and was staying at the Hilton Hotel (special weekend deal). On the Sunday morning I was out for a nice walk when I came across a young lad, maybe 17yrs old sleeping a phone box. He had obviously spent the night there. Hy lads, I do see the funny side of your post too
  25. Thank goodness my wife, has more money than sense 'cos she's just offered to buy me one of these. So out goes my toolbox, lawnmower and oddball tools out out my new shed!
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