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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Just be lucky that you were able to order them in the first place, I waited for ages only to be told that my order had been cancelled, so unless they do a second run (which I doubt) I won't be getting any of them
  2. Wow with prices like that, I wonder what I would get for all my unmade kits?
  3. Have you checked eBay recently as they come up now and then
  4. I think the two on the left are from Ratio coach sides and scratch-built I am interested in the IOM loco
  5. Yes, I see he has corrected the gauge this time I do wonder how many people will still bid on these items thinking they are 009. The only Items which appeal are the West Clare Bogie Deisel and the Donegal tram, coming up to retirement I have more than enough kits to be getting on with, to be honest. That said I also like the IOMR 2-4-0 T if anyone is interested in that one please PM me and I won't bid against you.
  6. Thanks, Galteemore for that
  7. Thanks, Iarnrod since I don't live in Ireland nor have I seen a prototype van can you run through what the major difference will be between the two types, Thank you in advance. Lynbarn
  8. That's OK then, If I could afford them I might need 50 plus unfitted in that case
  9. This could become expensive, I hope a second series is being considered but with different Numbers
  10. Thanks So just how many of these H vans got built?
  11. Now I am sure I have got on order six of these wee beasties in grey with the flying snail, but I don't think that is going to be enough, what I am not sure about is if the brown version falls into the period I am modelling ie 1945 to 1960. if they do then I need to add to my order!
  12. Hi John I do agree with you over all of this. I guess the only way this will take off is if someone were to go down the kiddy toy route and produce a very cheap 12mm gauge fund toy train set which has to be very cheap
  13. A lot has happen in a few months, but personally I would not mind seeing an OOn3 loco on 12mm track what with both 009 becoming popular and Hornby now producing their TT system I wonder if it might be a good time to think about this. For may sins I would suggest an Industrial 4wheel deisel; based on those of the Bord na Mona or if you want to the various Donegal and West Clare Railcars as for locos why not include the West Clare Bo-Bo deisels, Ok not everyones favorite and it may not be suitable, but If I knew it was going to be done then I would order three of them. The thing is for 00n3 you need a reliable motot bogie and if the design can be used for other tt scale models, us OOn3 modellers can benifit so be it. As for OOn3 steam locos as i see it you have three Irish size locos, tramway locos such as the Cork and Muskerry them middle ground Tralee and Dingle/ Cavan & Leitrim, then the larger stuff of West Clare, Donegal, Swilly and also the Ballymena and Ballycastle lines. What I didn't include in this are two other scale gauges:- 1st HOm meter gauge French and German lines. 2nd HOm or what ever the Americans currently call it HO 3ft gauge. I am not sure just how big these markets really are but it might be worth taking a look to find out and see if there is any commanality that could be involved. As for developing N gauge most 009 modellers crave chassis's for their kits, mainly steam 0-4-0 or an 0-6-0 would be a good thing if you are looking at numbers. Just to rap this all up, I don't know if any of the above is commercial viable or not since I am not in the model manufacturing game, but there again that my two pennies worth. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  14. Well my tank wagons turned up today and are looking fab, just out of interest do the wheelsets as supplied push out to 21mm gauge?
  15. That sounds good hopefully some one can make the decision to do a second batch.
  16. Yes I am awaiting a reply from etropal since all his bits are or were on Shapeways
  17. All we need now is some one to set up in Ireland a 3D printer service, as you have the advantage of still being in the EU
  18. In light of Shapeways going under I wonder if we had some one who could produce 3D print bodies to fit certain RTR chassis Just like we do in the 009 World with Whitemetal / Brass / 3D prints that are currently on offer:- https://www.chiversfinelines.co.uk/shop/narrow-gauge/009/whitemetal-bodykit http://rue-d-etropal.com/3D-printing/3d_printed_Irish-5ft-3in-gauge-trains1.htm
  19. I wonder if this is what he was thinking? https://transportsofdelight.smugmug.com/RAILWAYS/IRISH-RAILWAYS/MIDLAND-GREAT-WESTERN-RAILWAY/i-P5F4CVZ
  20. Right I now have 24 IRM wagons and 4 A class locos now I need a couple of brake vans and coaches. I have found a very simple Irish Broad Gauge Station to build it is called Hollymount just outside of Claremorris four points and two sidings should make a good start in 21mm gauge.
  21. Hi Guys is there a list of former or current irish theme railway buildings still available?
  22. It is a pity that you could not find a reason to have at least one Swilly coach in it early liver of brown lower panels with salmon pink upper panels (similar to the old LSWR but with a dull red end panels, must have looked great in the day, there again some of the other donegal liverys where not bad either such as an all over Indian red lined out in Peacock blue, then there was the dark cream upper panels with black lower panels, or how about Plum and cream livery lined out in signal red? then you had the all over black lined out in White and then finally the well known red and cream livery that we all know about today
  23. He makes it look so easy, but such a good way to do it, very enjoyable to watch
  24. Hi Guys I have been looking at building a few locomotive tenders, but the one trouble I have is that I don't know the width of the finished article. I do have the book the locomotives of the GS&WR which has side on views but not end on or a plan, can anyone suggest where I might find this extra detail thanks. Some thing I was not aware of is that the GS&WR used to run daily trains of old Tenders to certain areas where the water had to much limescale in it and again any more informatin about this working would be greatful, did they infact ever have to run such a train to Sligo? Regards Colin Rainsbury
  25. David something else to consider and that would have been if the CDR and the Swilly had of mergered as was outlined in the 1920's th possiblities also become endless, you could also suggest that when the NCC lines closed in the 1930's the management decided to purchase one or two of the S class locos giving you an S or S1 2-4-2T loco or even the S2 2-4-4T Giant. If you want more inspiration try and look out for a book called 'the old sinner' its about the swilly line and all the proposals that where made.
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