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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. I don't want to wish the worst on anyone, but I feel that for these coaches the bottom has fallen out of the market at present, if you can afford to wait then leave it six months or so and look again, I bet we will get a more realist market price then. Colin
  2. If they have that many left in stock it begs the question of how many people ordered them in the first place but decided to cancel their orders after Hattons closed.
  3. Well that counts me out then
  4. Hi Chris do you happen to have a direct link to the University's Website for these documents? Thanks Colin Rainsbury
  5. Hi all I agree the map is excellent. One thing is that the Teelin extension from Killiybegs is a bit odd. While there may be unknown commercial interests in reaching Teeling, I do wonder just how much of Killybegs would have to change to allow the railway to carry on from that Station to reach Teelin. As far as modellers are concerned, this opens the floodgates for based on layouts. I have to admit that looking for proposed railways is a bit of a hobby of mine, that said I would still love to see an all-Ireland map, with as many of these proposals as it is possible, lines like the Cavan and Leitrim come to mind as one such railway that also had grand designs, as I understand it, it was going to become part of the now infamous Ulster and Connaught Light Railway, also at another point in time there was discussion about an extension between the Cavan & Leitrim Railway and the Clougher Valley Railway. While we are on this subject, I should not forget the proposal to join the Cork, Blackrock, and Passage with the Cork and Muskerry Tramway. While I am not aware of any of the proposed details, I think this one could be modelled if you applied some modellers' licence to the joined-up bit of this proposal. One suggestion I have read about was to electrify the tramway from Passage in the East to Coachford in the West. this would have allowed the tramway to be street-running in Cork itself. My understanding is that it could have gone on to build other extensions around Cork or even merge with the Cork Electric Tramway itself. Of course, all this is pure conjecture on my part since it is still very hard to find out much about the CB&PR. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  6. Ah the chop saw beckons
  7. Happy Christmas to everyone on or off this list Nollaig Shona do gach duine ar an liosta seo nó nach bhfuil I hope the translation is correct Colin Rainsbury
  8. Hum cosy, to say the least at 12/13 people per compartment. In the Begley/ Flander book, they have that down only to carry 80 passengers. The book also indicates there were two others of the same size but built in 1896 and 1898, they would make nice brass etched kits in OOn3
  9. What was its number, please? Colin
  10. I am not sure which coach could hold 100 passengers, but they sure did have three coaches that could carry 80 passengers in eight compartments. As I understand it I think the tourist coaches on the West Clare Railway had three liveries: 1 all over green 2 green lower panels and white/cream window frames 3 Red/maroon lower panels and white/cream window frames The end of the carriages was as the livery around the sides where windows are concerned. If there were no windows then the main colour was used at the end of the coach.
  11. Hi JBH I have yet to see any of the CB&PR observation coaches with black ends, I am not sure about non-observation ends but looking at various photos I don't think any CB&PR coaches were so treated, As you have pointed out, having two distinct liveries makes for an interesting dilemma. Should I go for Green Coaches or GSR Maroon? On the whole, I am thinking more in terms of most of the free state stock in Maroon, whereas the Donegal stock may turn out in Red and Cream. The early Swilly livery of Salmon Pink and Brown sides with Red crimson ends also appeals. This will then leave me with what colour do I do the Ballycastle stock
  12. Wow part of me could not find any new photos, but those notes need to be republished in a new book along with drawings and details of the Railway that has appeared in the model railway press over time. I bet there is still more to be found locally in Cork. Colin
  13. The only stock list I have is from Joe Begley and Steve Flanders's book Ireland's Narrow Gauge Railway. It has 28 coaches and 34 wagons, and that is all. Colin
  14. HI Rob. Thank you for finding the album photos. It now poses a new problem, in that there is a photo in there of coach No 42 of the CB&PR. As far as I knew, they didn't have one with a number going that high but stopping at 36, I also knew that they missed out on a few coach numbers, but unless that is down to the research in the past, I think they only had about 28 coaches in total. Regards Colin
  15. Hi Guys I need your help, I think I have almost all the published information about the above railway, but I am missing photos or plans of some of the bogie coaching stock. What I have I also happen to have all of the types produced by Worsley Works in OOn3 ie bogie 1st or 3rd (same body shell) I also have Saloon No 10, and finally I also have 3rd Brake No 33 (the rebuilt version). Saloon No10 was different to all the others, from what I can make out, it had an extra compartment whereas all the other saloons only had one compartment. Coming on to the bogie 1st or 3rd class brake coaches it is not clear just how many compartments each of these had since I don't happen to have any photos of this type of coach. Another 3rd class coach saloon had just two compartments but looked like a normal 6-compartment coach on the outside, but it only had two doors per side in the middle of each compartment. In all, I think there are seven coaches that I don't have any details of, so if you guys have anything about the stock from this line. Thank you all in advance for any help given. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  16. I think in the long term it will be down to the person who produced the body shell in the first place if you have their email address you could ask them if they are going to release their products again on the new Shapeways site when it opens for business. Colin
  17. Make it 5.
  18. If you have contacted Allen, he tends to reply the following morning if he can. Regards Colin R
  19. I know some of you will have one or two in your collections but over on that Auction site I can see some of these coaches (Not in Irish liveries of course) are going for reasonable sums so I wonder if I should look at them to help fill up the lack of coaching stock I have at present
  20. What was that you were saying? it is now up to £30.00 I can see a rerun coming about
  21. One thing about 3D printing is that you would need to make sure you can fit a 21mm gauge chassis under it. The other thing would also be to try and consider what Bachman / Hornby chassis you can use under the print and just how accurate you want to be. Something else to think about would be of course to print a scale 3D print chassis block and take the bits from an above donor chassis.
  22. I have to admit I wouldn't mind it myself
  23. Yay thank you for that guys so interesting Colin
  24. I wonder if it will eventually be uploaded to YouTube for those of us who won't be able to watch it on TV.
  25. Maybe we should try and meet up over there at some point what do you think?
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