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Everything posted by IANG

  1. Wow is it really worth that ?
  2. Absolute brilliant deal and unfortunately for me wrong time off month when all my bills are due but Christmas around corner
  3. I wonder would IRM do any or Mark's models
  4. Is there 4 screws 2 underneath each boogie in a recessed hole
  5. Thanks million do you know if any those couplings will suit
  6. Does anybody know if where a lad might get some buffers and couplings for a class 201
  7. Kinda slightly off topic but how much would you expect to pay for pre owned dcc chipped fox model A class
  8. I gave it a go same again it didn't budge tried wires to wheels just sparked a little and that was it .. I dont exactly want to open it because I wouldnt know where to start
  9. Thanks lads much appreciated I'm goin to have a gander at it today and see how it goes fingurs crossed
  10. Hows things I'm fairly new to this game in fact I havmt even got a layout yet although I have some rolling stock and have a plan for a layout but that's for another topic.. I have Murphy model NI blue 141 it was running but now has stopped was running on standard D.C I think I had two locks on one track at same time so now I need help on what I can do to fix it or even start find out what's wrong all help appreciated.
  11. IANG

    Failed loco

    I'm afraid that's what I'm gonna do anybody know much about marks models in dublin? I don't think there's any around offaly
  12. IANG

    Failed loco

    I'm not sure how to go about opening it up it was running when I picked it up of track it hasn't ran since that it's was budging but now it's not doin anything ... https://www.google.ie/search?q=murphy+model+112&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=imvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjivNrb4NXXAhVpLsAKHWiPCMQQ_AUIEigB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=XZPOdSAAL--dCM: this is same as mine
  13. IANG

    Failed loco

    Think might be internal problem don't exactly want to take it part myself very delicate railing on sides like 071 just annoyed because it's literally just out of box .. anyone have an idea what marks models in dublin 2 are like for just having it looked at price wise etc.. .or is thier anywhere in midland my local model shop in tullamore closed down unfortunately
  14. IANG

    Failed loco

    It's 112 I know above stated 141 but point being anyway it's still not buffing atal now wheels seem free there's bit play there's 3 small switches on bottom they don't seem to make a difference ether
  15. IANG

    Failed loco

    It was moving tho it's just bog standard layout I just powered a small bit track and since I did that it won't move its feels like there something goin on but no budge ?
  16. IANG

    Failed loco

    No don't think there's any dcc chip in it .. it ran fine up till I did that I just setup a normal dc track just to test it out ..track is clean loco is also good I just after buying it aswell
  17. I have recently a 141 and last night as I was testing it but by not thinking I accidentally placed it on same powered track as another loco on a dc layout .. Since this my 141 is refusing to move any ideas what I can do to revive it without having to send it off for repair thanks in advance.
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