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Hatton’s CIE - Any Update?

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Yes, they are. Some future releases of these vehicles, which had not been finalised at the time Hattons closed, have been abandoned, but the CIE liveries were amongst the batch to go ahead. So they will appear. Latest info suggests later this year. Sadly, the GSR maroon one which was in discussion will not appear, but both green liveries plus the blackntan full brake will.

It's 59 years this month since six-wheeled coaches were used in traffic, the very last use being in the Cork area, almost certainly on Youghal excursions. Cork had the distinction of having the last ones still in traffic, by that stage mostly of ex-MGWR origin, but the full brakes tended to be of ex-GSWR origin, and as non-passenger vehicles, half a dozen of them remained in use tagged onto the ends of passenger trains carrying parcels and mails, until various dates between 1965 and 1970. Two officially survived until 1970 in traffic, but I've seen a picture of one of these (in black'n'tan) taken in, I think, 1969, and it was clear that while still technically on the books it had not been in use for some time. The latest date I've seen a picture of one actually in a train was in the consist of a Galway mail train in 1968.

Ennnnyway; Rails of Sheffield will be shipping them out, and I am told that orders placed with hattons will be fulfilled by them. I certainly hope so, as several examples are sold out on pre-order and I want one of each. In a pre-1963 rural train, the contrast between a modern Park Royal or laminate, and one of these elderly survivors, was immense - I'm looking forward to being able to replicate this in model form. Six wheel first, Park Royal and tin van, behid a J15 one day, and a C or an A the next; perfect. Just sorry I never actually travelled in one.

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