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Scratchbuilding GNRi Wagons

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I would like to open a thread for anyone interesting in pooling their knowledge and expertise in scratch building GNRi wagons. I'm keen to build a selection of these and I am sure there is a wealth of expertise, interest and resources.

Posted (edited)

I have found that Dart Castings have very accurate axleboxes/springs and W-irons very similar to GNRi wagons and pin point bearings for wheels.The W-irons come complete with detailing and coupling plates on the same brass etching.

Edited by TonyMcGartland

The last GNR wagons in traffic were their 1954-vintage equivalents of the (slightly later) CIE "H" vans. These were very similar overall but had corrugated metal ends. I noticed 77N, by now with standard CIE cast numberplate and all-brown livery, at Templemore in 1975.


When starting off, it's all trial and error, you need to see what works for you and what doesn't. The first thing I did when I started was to buy a lot of whitemetal and brass wagon detailing parts off eBay and I quickly built up a fair collection of various buffers, axel boxes etc... Some of which I still have today and work from there.


Hi one thing I was wondering about and that is buffers, I am planning to used spring buffers where possible but I understand that the Irish version are larger than those on the BR wagons, so whose uses what or does it not matter?




Nelson, the brass w-irons and white metal axle boxes/springs make an excellent base for any wagon. I have also had several nice single lever brakes and shoes. I'm trying to source a good quality braking system for GNRi wagons, many are fragile and are very cosmetic. I'd like something that has good definition and quality about it that will actually connect with the wagon floor.


I would add that if there are official drawings of any Irish rolling stock then it might be possible to get scale parts made.


That said I do have two or three GNRi wagon drawings which all use the 16ft 11ins chassis which from what I know appears to be the standard GNRi size chassis for wagons, if I am wrong then please let me know.


Using a standard chassis would allow kits to be made since you would only have to mould the top of the wagon, for a different kit.


You only have to look at what Parkside Dundus have done with their Tralee and Dingle wagon to see the variations they have done with it:-


1 the standard van


2 the cattle/van combination


3 the butter van


4 the open


5 the chassis by itself


6 and in conjunction with the 009 Society they released a T&D style cattle wagon as well


I am sure that if we could find the right model making company to help do the same thing, but in 16.5/21mm gauge, then everyone could be a winner.


As for the GNRi drawings I have they include:-


two van bodies styles, an 4 plank open and a container flat.


there may be more wagon bodies that fit this chassis, but it could be just a start.





Posted (edited)

Colin, what we need is a 9'6" and 10' wheelbase wagon underframe with the correct single brake lever, then we can mount multiple scratch built bodies on top.

Edited by TonyMcGartland

You are right Tony the chassis I have a drawing for is the 9ft 6in wheelbase 16ft 11inch chassis.


The trick as I see it will be to have the brake gear moulded as a separate bit so it can fit any gauge from 16.5 to 21mm if required.


For me it will need to be set up for 21mm gauge, but any thing which is made in kit form needs to be able to accommodate any gauge.


Parkside Dundas do this with there T&D van kits so the kit is viable for both 009 and OOn3 (12mm) modellers.




Placed order this morning for brass w-irons, white metal axle-boxes and springs. Also some nice shouldered pin point bearings. Stocking up on parts for some scratch building.


Great to hear Tony, just out of interest I understand that the buffers used in Ireland are a bit bigger that those used in the UK, can anyone confirm this please?



Posted (edited)
  Colin R said:
Great to hear Tony, just out of interest I understand that the buffers used in Ireland are a bit bigger that those used in the UK, can anyone confirm this please?





Depends on the era, company and in the case of the GSWR, the line.


CIE tended to use larger buffers - initially on anything allocated to the Valentina line, then AEC railcars, then many other things.

Edited by jhb171achill
  • 4 weeks later...
  TonyMcGartland said:
This week managed to get hold of a lot of white metal brake shoes, single brake levers, white metal GNRi wagon parts and axleboxes. Building the parts box.


Sound great Tony would it be possible to have the supplier details, I am sure there will be others who are willing to support the guys who make these items.




Colin, supplier is not in business at moment and I am simply buying up as much existing parts he has available. If the situation changes and he returns to full-scale production he will, I am sure, make himself known.


Only just noticed this thread, but I've done a few GNRI vans in 7mm scale for my Arigna Town layout. At first I batch built in plastic card, but needing multiple copies, I just made masters of sides and ends to make moulds for resin casting.

Easy enough to do and you can put every effort into making the masters as detailed as possible. Should work in 4mm too. I wrote it up for the latest version of New Irish Lines.

Another source of wagon drawings might be the Alphagraphix card kits. In effect, they are a colour, 7mm scale drawing and at £3 each do not break the bank. However, undertake detail is lacking....

  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just gathering my stock of new GNRi white metal castings of brake shoes, brake levers, axle boxes and W-irons. The white metal levers and shoes are amazingly detailed and really quality castings. Getting ready to start building as soon as the holiday seasons ends.





Edited by TonyMcGartland

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