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Hobby Developments Ireland (Jouef HDI)

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good evening, passionate about the JOUEF brand and its branches, I have a museum project, not one more with trains going in circles, but more on the industrial side, the production side .... If I have 'a large number of French manufacturing elements, I am currently looking for everything related to JOUEF HDI .. (photos, molds, archives, parts etc etc).
Thank you for helping me make my project a reality by offering to buy what you no longer need.

jean stephane.







Edited by passionately JOUEF
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Was never a fan of Jouef myself back in the 70s, every kid who got one seemed to almost cry when they realised it wasn't a proper Hornby train set. :) If you get my drift. Same almost applied to 70s Lima stuff. Hornby seemed to be the choose one back then for lucky kids.

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I had a jouef clockwork set as a kid, as Noel alluded to, a bit naff  & not a patch on the proper Hornby electric sets my mates had, and the 'funny' small scale didn't mix with 00 stuff realistically, it did provide fun tho..seem to remember remorselessly 'shelling' mine with those Britains artillery pieces that fired projectiles, and similar abuse !

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