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fishplate7 last won the day on October 8 2020

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  • Biography
    My name is Eamonn Greville. I live in Dublin and have recently retired from my work in the Department of Education. I have a special interest in the MGWR from Dublin to Mullingar but especially around Maynooth, Kilcock, Ferns Lock, Enfield, Killucan and Mullingar itself. Check out my videos on YouTube under fishplate7! I intend to build a garden shed within the next 6 months and start work on my layout!


  • Occupation
    Architect - retired

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  1. Leslie. I have read, and reread all of the very fine and well deserved tributes to you, your skills and the fine service you have provided to us modellers over the years! I include myself in that! As a personal favourite, your CIE cattle vans are to die for! At the exhibitions, I quickly came to the conclusion that you were one of the most gifted magician I ever had the pleasure of meeting! Why? Because my wallet always felt considerably lighter after every encounter. I never quite knew how you managed it! I just knew that we both parted company, each with a big smile! Without your service the modelling world would be indeed in a worse place! I hope that, just because you wont be 'practicing any magic' after these two upcoming shows, you will still attend at some point, just to say hello and for a chat! And always remember, and to borrow a line from one of The Eagles most famous of songs - "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" Until Bangor so! Eamonn
  2. For a shot of the Oil Train in action go to 3.10 on this video I took in Enfield back in the day when there was real action on the rails with semaphores, staff/handring exchanges, etc!
  3. We could suggest to IRM that they commission the British artist Willard Wigan to make some suitably scaled food, cutlery, etc. After all that is what he is famous for - microsculpture, like the 'evolution of man in the eye of a needle' sculpture! And there's many more! Word of warning though, check out his prices......not exactly cheap!!
  4. Google Screen Grab of the DFB car park.
  5. Way to go Leslie! Let's hope the Merlin we all wish and hope for is not as mythical as his namesake from the days of King Arthur! We wait and see!
  6. The current Mount Temple car parking spaces, which are accessed off the Malahide Road, wont be affected by the construction of the new school building. I understand the main contractor has moved some plant and machinery onto the school site beside the old squash club via the Howth Road entrance, which is where construction traffic will enter and exit.
  7. Got my oil wagon delivery this morning! Havent had time to open the package yet - tomorrow hopefully!
  8. Hi Leslie I have already emailed you separately with my order! Looking forward to meeting up on Saturdqay morning coming! Eamonn
  9. Well I will definitely be taking some of those broken wheel ones Leslie! Safe travelling!
  10. Hi Leslie I will take 2 of the flying snail please and will pick them up at Blackrock. Thanks Eamonn
  11. Hi James R. Try Neil Smith at Wheeltappers in the UK. His website is http://www.wheeltappersdccsounds.co.uk/ His Irish decoder sounds are excellent. But beware, you'll be paying importation duty etc., on them as they come from the UK! Hope this helps! Eamonn
  12. Count me in too Leslie for at least 6 of the broken wheel type!
  13. Colum Pender is indeed correct! A lovely, kind man, with a big welcome for anyone who was interested in the railways. I spent many evenings with him in the cabin in the 1980's and 1990's. He passed away a number of years ago.
  14. I have to agree with JBH! As an IRRS member for almost 50 years, it is indeed a treasure trove of information and material! The Journal alone is excellent value for money. The Thursday night in-person or now on-line meetings are excellent, with the highlight of the year being the Annual Film Show. Go for it Darren D!
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