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Robert Shrives

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Robert Shrives last won the day on January 4

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About Robert Shrives

  • Birthday 24/02/1962

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  • Location
    Birmingham UK


  • Biography
    UK rail employee working in Darkest Birmingham , on the steel rails since 1982- does not make me necessarily any good but just doing it for a long time...


  • Interests
    Ffestiniog Railway and modelling across many scales and gauges, walks and food survival grade only


  • Occupation
    Controller for Train operating company - Intercity sector

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  1. Well mine landed today. so Sligo should be awash with fuel now !! Lovely models but will need uber gunking at some point, will need to look at photos. Thanks to all involved in this project around the globe. Robert
  2. The 66 is brewing up nicely having seen some bits and bobs across a desk near mine! A bit of a wait but i think it will be well worth it, still like my G1 one.
  3. Good news but does it mean the big orange one has a model railroad in the White house ? Thinks before pressing send is it of "Orange" prototypes, the UK "special arrangement" might thus refer to MK2D air cons ... Robert
  4. used link but not able to order as it will not recognise Wales Had hoped to get some black bogies and 3 tail lamp packs but just not able to... Robert
  5. A bit of time today, avoiding the blow meant along with a delivery of tiny castings the GWR railcar has lurched forward with bogie side frames fitted on one side. The axle end gear box comes as double drive ended add on casting to the basic side frame so in BR days the double drive was removed I have trimmed back to more like photos. Body is a shapeways grainy affair bit having had quite a bit of sanding does look ok Power bogie is a blast from past it is a Mike Chinery 12mm NG power bogie intended for Irish NG railcars but is a lovely runner and railcar does not need to shoot about like an HST so works well on Branchline layout. robert
  6. A good news and obvs a source of cutting and extending ... As it happens I was just a few metres away from the office where this was generated. So will follow with interest - I did help look at seeing if a CIE look-near- alike was possible upon this tooling even allowing for it being short and it was just not viable hence using the suggest vehicles to take on the Tourax decoration instead. Hopefully I can get my mits on some samples in time to chop up ! Robert
  7. Two pics for added value ( I hope) 117 dmu with middle car at rear in blue drivers still in primer with more work required on roof domes. The 158 is a 3 D print in the grainy style of old from Shapeways I will carry on with it but I think it is a bit dead in the water given modern print standards. Robert
  8. Mol, Ennis was on my ideas list a while back due to the curved platforms and terminating trains - I was going for a modernised trackplan but with benefits. Claremorris -Burma Road- Sligo a`la Patrick style of presentation was another flight of fancy - lottery requirement to oblige! NIR stuff did see a Portadown idea as well, along with a Belfast Central- Adelaide yard fancy. It hard from afar(ish) to avoid a fictional section to allow the multiple interesting train formations slide by. Your space with a double line loop and at a differing level a single line and loop attached to fiddle yards/loops could then be anywhere you fancy on the day. robert
  9. A bit of an update, found box of DMU stuff so now having a review. Met cam 101 dmu has home made airvac vents two more coaches to go at. The green Tadpole needs roof details sorting - cable conduits on all three plus roof fans and hatch handles on PC. The Mk 3 is in primer, bogies done just need to sort couplings and bogie mounts, sadly Alan Doherty has no more etched sides so I only have 4 vehicles. The 121 is a mix of 3mm soc ends and Alan`s sides and roof, needs undergubbins and exhausts. I need a new box of roundtuits as well. Robert
  10. Indeed the sets had quite a good reform game with power cars moving round - I guess exams/ faults along with a desire to run trains saw lots of fun! Trailers were augmented with loco stock - a one way conversion and of course repairs were necessary due to damage. Several vehicles went to Glasgow works and some power cars went back to Derby. IIRC loco coach driving brake 812 became a DMU vehicle and ended up having brake end removed and standard seating accommodation - done in Glasgow using part of sides from withdrawn Mk2. So a basic 80 class project is quite tool/ slide hungry which is cost rich.... Re 450 you never know. Robert
  11. Looking to the north the 80 and 450 class units float a boat here. The 80 having some "cross over" with Mk2 stock . As we know Mol it is easy to spend somebody else`s dosh. Robert
  12. Well cut and angled one end of a 5Bel roof and looks the part so that along with sorting fixing of roof using nylon csk screws and nuts I should be able to proceed a bit more. Robert
  13. Darius, Amazing bit of work on the historical artifacts you obtain and this is the best one so far from your workshops, please keep up the inspirational works. Robert
  14. Leslie, Good luck and enjoy a well earned retirement , been a pleasure building wagons and meeting you at the NEC show. But like the organisers of the Warley club and betting adverts - when the funs stops, stop. You are ahead of the game and despite the young rogues you do the double beet. Keep smiling, it confuses the tax man. Robert
  15. Hi all, While having eclectic tastes in modeling it does mean stuff does sit around collecting dust having been part started "yonks ago." The festive period allowed apart from reflection and getting wet on Ffestiniog works some modelling time while sprouts were being boiled for a couple of hours! I chose to revisit some 3mm brass coach kits maturing in a box for several years, and an interloper. First pic is a 5 bel a complex end assembly saw buffer beams soldered on and roof cut to shape plus driver domes started. Second is a GUV an old MTK offering roof work required to narrow an Alu roof section and slightly reprofiled . The Class 128 parcels rail car was a recovery after false start at least 6 years ago. But now together and roof domes also started. Third is the resin interloper - a 3mm society offering. had to drill and bend handrails/ lamp brackets and it is a drop together kit of 1 body, four buffers and bogies. It will end up rail blue and grime. forth photo is 5 of 6 air con Mk2D/E coaches, bar the GUV all shown are Worsley Works productions - scratch aids but as Alan is a 3mm guy then these are more complete than other scales and the 3mm soc has lovely castings for undergubbins. These had sad with out roofs and some without end castings so several hours work saw works to this stage. Works staff then spotted school boy error, the doors have a hole for a casting of the vent, best fitted before roof on. so holes filled and plasticard glued on to make painting and lining out harder later, just love this sort of work. Roof details to add and then clean and primer etc when it warms up. For me a leap forward. Robert
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