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Ian Cooper

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Everything posted by Ian Cooper

  1. Well, I've managed to find some shelf space and built a new layout! Well at 50cm long it's more like a loco programming track but at least I can sit in the office with the sound of a diesel engine ticking over in the background!
  2. Thanks for the "save Trathnona" campaign but my employer has imposed a work from home contract so there's two of us working in a 8x6 room. By the time I've brought all my work kit and file's home, the office is a bit snug! However, I do have plans for a new layout on a spare shelf but at only 3ft long, it might be a bit tight for a 201 but will see where we go with it! finalrun.mp4
  3. And the last running session before the lights go out and the track gets lifted as the train room has to make way for a home office. last run.mp4 last run.mp4
  4. Anyone know of somewhere that does sets of replacement number plate decals to replace UK plates on the rest of the Oxford range?
  5. Just as I'd got the funds together for some Accurascale hoppers, this comes along and clears it out! It could have been worse, if you'd been announcing beet wagons today that would have been my class 37 fund gone as well!
  6. Can see the kegs and pallets appearing on lots of UK layouts as well,, really well made. And I spied updated pix of the spoil and weedkiller wagons! Looking very nice!
  7. New arrivals on the layout!
  8. C-Rail make some great containers, well detailed . https://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/
  9. Love following the progress of this layout. I was born after the line closed and used to walk to school along the old track bed emerging at the side of Desmonds! Been going through some old copies of the Tyrone Constitution and came across these if they are of any use.
  10. Trying to figure out the workings of the unloading of the Tara wagons at the port. I'm aware that the loco leads into the siding and moves to the parallel track via the traverser. Does it then run round to propel the wagons into the traverser and tippler before then running round again to pull each wagon off the traverser when empty? Or is there a mechanism to move the wagons with out the aid of the loco. I've seen a video and pix of the operation of the traverser and tippler but since lost the link.
  11. Ballast ploughs weathered, not particularly happy with the result as my usual method of a wash of thinned down matt cote and weathering powders resulted in the livery washing off the model!
  12. Gave into temptation after Model Rail Scotland and bought some Hattons Network Rail rolling stock!
  13. Just finishing off one from ebay. First attempt at kit, and found it fairly straight forward.
  14. Back from Model Rail Scotland with a handful of LEDs snd spent the night lighting the layout!
  15. First attempt at weathering, using Humbrol weathering powders. Test on my UK stock before risking a Murphy Models loco.
  16. Working on a small layout using an Ikea LACK shelf as a base. Measures 6 ft long and 10 inches wide and is DCC with one seep motor point. There's no fiddle yard as this would take up space so instead locos are moved on and off the layout and swapped between the two sets of track using Peco lifting cradles. Modelling post 2000 era and new to Irish rail scene as didn't develop an interest in railway modelling until 20 years after leaving Ireland so looking for advice on what to run. Layout name Trathnona, chosen by my daughter as she did a Google translate for her name, Eve!
  17. Sorry to hear about your frustrations, sometimes life get in the way of modelling and we have to scale back our ambitions, my 20 ft lay out shrunk to 12 ft then 8 ft before I binned mine. I now have an Ikea Lack shelf with a couple of pieces of track , even that can be too time consuming when you have kids, but a couple of half hour running sessions a month keep my interest up. Sometimes it's best to just do your own thing and not worry too much about accuracy, it's your layout, model the area as you want without getting too frustrated about it being exactly prototypical. Was watching your progress with interest as although was born too late for trains through Omagh, I used to walk along the old trackbed on my way to school every day.
  18. Clearing out my UK stock Paypal or looking to swap for modern Irish locos/wagons Bachmann Eddie Stobart class 66 £120 Cargowaggon £35 each Lima Class 37&60 £40 each lot of 6 HEA & CEA hoppers £55 for set GBRF FEA-B unopened with containers 3x £40 each without containers, opened 2x £25 each Postage will be added at cost
  19. Just a heads up for anyone looking for Murphy Models 141's or Craven coaches. Hattons have just listed some secondhand ones on their website.
  20. Found these are good and to proper scale for a little bit more cash. http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_28&product_id=205&limit=100
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