I can only speak for myself which l understand is not anything like representative of 'the overall market.'
l am sure IRM know their market better than anyone else given their success over the last decade or so.
l do fall into the popular 30 - 45 year old customer base and like modelling anything in the 2000's on so was absolutely delighted with the ICR offerings.
I also loved the Taras and the Container flats coupled with the Cravens and Mark 2D from Murphy Models for example, exactly what l wanted for my era.
Non rail-wise, the Dublin Bus offering was brilliant for example.
I have no interest in Steam or the likes of bulleid wagons but totally understand how others would love these showing how difficult and fragmented a small lrish market is.
I would love the Mark IV complete with DVT for example, but recognise this would be niche in the greater scheme of things.
Everybody is entitled to views / opinions, but in reality IRM are best placed of any of us regarding lrish railway modelling.
Fingers crossed all goes well and lRM continue to provide us with such great offerings.