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Everything posted by MD220

  1. Its difficult to make out, this was a scan of an old print!
  2. I have a (rubbish) photo I took on an MRSI trip to Inchicore in, I think, 1989 of withdrawn Maybach E425 and it has the name 'Sambo' chalked on one of it's engine compartment doors. A reference to a previous pilot engine perhaps?
  3. As already mentioned, trains arrived in Sligo at the left hand platform, furthest from the station building. The train locos would then propel the coaches back out of the station well beyond the signal cabin where they would run round the train and then propel back to the right hand/near platform. This was certainly the procedure in the late 80's/ early 90's.
  4. Fantastic looking model lads, fair play. I've one on order and I'm tempted to go for a 2nd. Any idea of an approximate delivery date? No pressure, I know it'll be worth waiting for!
  5. An E (preferably a 421) floats my boat and would get my vote, hence my moniker
  6. Thanks Edo, much appreciated.
  7. Thanks Noel, that's a good start!
  8. Hi. Does anyone know of a readily available source of Irish station track plans? I'm particularly interested in Claremorris and Sligo as they were in the 70s & 80s, not their current streamlined form! I've looked online but haven't turned up much. Thanks.
  9. That's great guys, thanks! Wasn't expecting a complete list.
  10. Hi everyone, I'm newly signed up to the forum, though I've been watching from afar for a while! In anticipation of IRM's amazing A Class project it got me thinking on the subject of names. Back in the early 90s I was lucky enough to blag a cab ride on 013 with a coal and oil train from Tuam to Claremorris, and remember the name 'Vera Lynn' painted in the cab above the windows. A fellow enthusiast once told me that many, if not all, of the class were named like this, and I wonder does anyone else know the names of other locos, particularly those on the IRM production line (I've ordered 056!), or any info on who named them etc? Cheers!
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