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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Your on the money Dave, the best way to do it would be to fix the foam above the frame then the top bonded to it
  2. Noise is a problem after ballasting, even if you use cork or PU foam which I prefer, but as soon as the ballast touches the baseboard the noise is transferred through the ballast rendering the underlay useless. The method I use to overcome this problem is to glue down a layer of 3mm PU foam wider than the ballast with a bevel edge. I lay the track then ballast the bring the scenery up on the foam to the edge of the ballast. You could add an extra layer of foam under the track to create a shoulder. This works quite well and reduces the noise.
  3. Damn phone spell checker!
  4. Thanks Boston. Starting to take shape. Wait till you see the viaduct!
  5. Track now painted in sleeper grime, ready for ballasting then a light weathering.
  6. It was Pat. I'll put a video up of the Faller truck running on it.
  7. Bit of an update, the port area is coming on hard standing area is finished with road markings and tyre marks. Still to do the working level crossing then the low relief buildings that will make up the back scene.
  8. Welcome to the forum Einstine, lots of help available here. Looking forward to seeing your layout develop:tumbsup:
  9. Love the new look, very crisp and modern! Well done Bos! Fancy doing mine!
  10. Well done lads, filling a much needed niche in the market. Great news! Best of luck with the venture.
  11. That is stunning! Lovely work
  12. Thanks Bos
  13. Thanks Lads, the viaduct is clad with Slaters Plastikard. The main stone is embossed plastic card the quoins are embossed paving stone cut and bent around the corner. Then the arch face is 1mm plastic card cut and grooved same with the capping stones. I used red brick embossed for under the arches. I have still to do more painting to finish it off. I will be stocking Slaters Plastikard soon and will be available to buy at shows and online.
  14. Thanks Paul, but its 3 Heljan cranes! There is one on the other side as well!
  15. Will do
  16. That's not the half of it, it will have a fully automatic level crossing that the truck will stop at if the barriers are down! The ship will have sound and smoke, very high quality lighting made by CR Signals. The Heljan cranes will be able to offload from the ship to the train or truck.
  17. Cheers! That's one of the control panels for the container port. The joysticks are for the Heljan container cranes, full DCC operational cranes with sound too!
  18. I thought that I would post the progress of a layout that I am currently building for a client in the UK. It's 4 meter long x 3 meter wide. One side is a large TMD with a small scrap yard and a small container terminal with a Heljan container crane. Joining the two sides is a feature curved viaduct and on the other side is a large container port with a dock side with container ship and two Heljan container cranes. It will feature an Oxford diecast truck converted to Faller by Eoin and will collect containers from the ship. I'll post the progress as I go. Here's some pics of where I have got to.
  19. Any pics. Might be interested.
  20. Stunning! Will you have this on display at the October show?
  21. Hi Westport. Code 75 track looks a lot better and more to scale than code 100. When I am designing layouts for clients I set the spacings on the grid on Anyrail to match the cross braces in the baseboard. This way I know I won't run into trouble when track laying.
  22. Hi Noel, I fitted 34 analogue Cobalt point motors into a layout a year and a half ago. 16 failed, some were over driving at the end of their stroke but most needed a tap to get them to go again, but would stop working again after a few hours. DCC Concepts did replace them but denied there was an issue with them. They then confirmed by email earlier this year that they did have problems. I also fitted 14 DCC ones to a layout which 2 failed. The problem with a Digital Cobalt is the electronics are with the motor, if the motor fails you have to bin the whole thing. For me this was enough and went in search of an alternative which I now use servos, cheaper and more reliable with a great controller from Loolee http://www.loolee.org The DCC module can control up to 192 points!
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