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  1. I had to stop using my small netbook because the video adverts fills most of the screen which admittingly is only a 420p resolution.
  2. You and me both! I have been doing exactly this as well.
  3. Edit: Unrequired post.
  4. I'll also be at Warley, bet I'll catch a few of us over there!
  5. No problem! A video is good and all, if you haven't visited yet, it's always better in person and I'd certainly recommend a visit over this bank holiday weekend.
  6. Working on that as we speak, the quality is processing, it will be in 4k later.
  7. 28th is a Sunday btw, and I'll be there with my computer operated Weston Interchange!
  8. I'd decided to bring along a 3D printed wagon that had a clip for a DJI Pocket camera to see whether I could play some fun and games with it on the late Monday afternoon... as you can see, fun and games were had!
  9. A few updates for this layout, almost ready for exhibitions, but no shows to go to!!!
  10. So I got hold of Revolutions new KUA wagons, well worth the wait! In the video you can also see I have made a start on the green scenic work!
  11. Big announcement! For ages I have been saying that the automation is being refined, it will be ready soon... Well today I managed to run the layout for 3 hours non stop and not a single software error or derailment was had. Today I can finally say we have a reliable and interestingly ran layout, whilst packed with trains and lots of action with short headways. Here is a quick clip of the automation in action, with prototypical speeds and stopping areas etc. Much more to come as I introduce more trains to the software.
  12. Oh no! I hope they get to reopen soon :(
  13. Hi everybody, I had a trip out to the Casino Model Railway, the Cyril Fry collection is held there. If you like the video, consider subscribing! Thanks all
  14. Sorry I left it so long between updates, above is my latest progress report and unboxing of a new loco. Lots has happened since. Enjoy!
  15. Nick

    Hunt Couplings

    Fitting hunt couplings to N gauge. HST My videos on fitting and running with them in N gauge, in N they really do make a lot of difference. My HST looks as if it is prototypical now instead of a 4ft gap between each coach!!!
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